General Discussion

General DiscussionBorrowed my friends dota account and no change

Borrowed my friends dota account and no change in General Discussion

    He's 4k party, 3.8k solo :

    I played 1 game at it, and it was just as full of leavers, and seemed to be same skill level as 2.8k , which is this account.

    But the game showed as normal skill. I thought 3.2k+ was high skill, or did valve track my PC and give me normal coz of my IP?


      Get a 6k account, it might suite you just right cuz who knows..

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        I'm not saying I'm 6k level. Hell I'm probably not even a legit 3.5k level, I'm asking if DOTA tracks IP and gives game accordingly.


          his las normal game was 6 months ago with no bracket stated
          unranked mmr =/= ranked mmr


            I'm almost 3.8k too and today games were in normal bracket. In non-ranked you never now the mmr of your team, in specially when there are stacks involved.

            Play a ranked game and make a screenshot with the end game screen if you want some reliable data.

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            Game is hard!

              Ranked MMR is not the same as hidden/normal MMR

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                mid 3k seemed way better then mid 2k for me, no more of that 4 carry shit, no more leavers every other game, way less flame, fewer people who chain feed, item builds that make some kind of sense supports support, carrys who at least try to farm even if its slowly. Don't get me wrong people still play poorly and there are jerks and none English speakers but there aren't as many. your one game might have just been bad luck.

                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                  I'm gonna play a couple of games on this account and see if I get high skill games more often, and trying to find out if I can hold my own in a skill level higher than what my main tells me it is (2.8k solo, 2.2k party)


                    then play ranked and not unranked


                      Dunno what you mean by there's no difference because from my experience... 3500 below there won't be a support or roeamers in the game most of the time. Carries are generally worst at last hitting. Below 3200, based on what i saw on my friend's account, people blame mid for not ganking if sidelane feeds and the worst part is the mid isn't supposed to be the one ganking if it's a hero like OD that needs farm. And, when i stack with 2k friends, i just straight up own the game if i'm mid, so i think there really is a difference between 2.8k and 3.8k. Besides, my 2k friends are even more horrible at last hitting than I am. They get 30 last hits in 10 mins at most mid and that's if they have a hero advantage. Also, this is true as you go up higher in mmr, decision making is generally worst at 2k (e.g. when to farm as a carry / mid and when to fight or push )

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      go kill urself

                        around 4k mmr is the worst because people start thinking they're dota gods but still suck, i think thats where most of peru is as well


                          The more I read about Ranked MMR, the more I want to stay in Unranked.

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