General Discussion

General DiscussionBuilding disruptor

Building disruptor in General Discussion


    I ve been wondering how to build disruptor. First build that i thought was going to brown boots and after that aghs since its ult turns into an aeo doom. Or is it better to get a eul maybe to setup the barrier ( dunno since glimpse is there it might be an over kill), mek, force staff and list goes on. I dont count wards, sentries and dust its the natural order of supporting you gotz to buy em.


      Usually Arcane Boots into a casual Staff of Wizardry that can be built into a Eul's Scepter , Force Staff , Aghanims , and in some cases a Atos . After that a Veil will do him and his team some good. Not too many people build a Shiva's on him but I think it could be great to scout the treeline, also armor and mana on an int hero does him good. And like all other int heroes, Scythe is a great final item on him.

      Dread Pirate Cat

        Disruptor is very situational as far as item builds go. A mobility item like force staff or blink dagger is very much recommended though as it will help you get those glimpses off and initiate with your ulti and fence.

        Without any other factors though I think the item that scales the best is Aghs, if you can manage to afford it -- especially towards the minute 25-30 mark where multiple people start getting bkbs.

        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

          Arcs, Mek (Unless you have a better hero for that), Scepter. Game should be over.


            Ty for the answers guys. :)


              arcane disruptor is a tremendous gold sink imo.
              tranqs are good
              urn is not awful
              mek is horrible
              force/blink/ghost situational
              aghs is good
              idk about eul

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                I usually only go for 3 core items

                - basic brown boots / arcane boots
                - blink or forcestaff for escaping/chasing/positioning for fights
                - agha sceptor to help team deal with bkb carries

                I don't think you will have gold for refresher or extra items to tank up like bloodstone bkb usually (since you'll be spending a lot of gold supporting your team with wards, sod, courier upgrades etc) unless game goes very late.

                Sometimes when the other team has carries like a radiance spectre or right clickers like bone clinkz, you're forced to bulk up your hp with casual bracers and get ghost sceptor to evade right clicks etc.


                  im just an average player but as my most played hero, items would be mek , veil, aghanims. Skill build would be either max thunder strike or glimpse, depending on the situation.


                    Veil, Aghanim, Eul, Blink
                    i think that's good item for Disruptor. Dagon maybe?


                      i dont think its a good idea. i build my disruptor for team fight crowd control and get most my gold from assists. Feels good when enemies curse at me for getting silenced and not being able to do in teamfights. I guess if your really ahead, then its fine.


                        I pretty much go arcane into agha directly. I don't find myself needing force or blink early maybe cos i position myself quite well. 99% of games i will max glimpse first and followed by kinetic field. 1 point into thunder early if required to zone an irritating offlaner. I normally go blink after agha cos thats when 5 men happens most of the time and people starting taking me as a threat after i pwn them early. (303 disruptor games with decent kda i guess)


                          There was this time period I was consistently spamming disruptor and pretty much had the same build. Tranqs/Wand > Mek > Push Stick. Pretty much never made it past that winning or losing.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Disruptor never has enough gold to get everything he wants. Go arcane or tranquils, force staff or blink and hope for the best. Items past that, veil is good, shivas is good, scythe is good, aghs is good, but you likely won't have enough gold. Aghs is pretty nice just getting the point booster though.