General Discussion

General DiscussionIs casual doto, best doto?

Is casual doto, best doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    You know, not caring if u win or not, just playing games casually? thoughts?


      If you want to have fun, yes. If you want to win, not really.

      And no, even if you find winning fun, you won't get fun if you play to win UNTIL you actually manage to win the game, the rest is suffering and if you don't win, you only get tears.

      Miku Plays

        even better on smurf :D


          I don't care when I lose if it's a good match. If it's some stomp or some match that my team wasn't really outplayed .. well it sucks.


            best fun thing is to watch our teammates rage as we troll.

            me, government hooker

              just chill bro, like me. troll when yo want to :D


                I think it's more fun to play games casually, and going for unconventional item builds that won't win you the game (eg. you troll around with building right click items on a support hero).

                But take in mind that when it's YOUR turn to be having an easy game to win that you want to win (looking at hero drafts between the 2 teams and all possible laning options) and your teammate throws the game for you by doing stupid things .... karma came to bite you back in the ass.

                Troll around when playing solo (so you're not the victim)
                Troll in a stack (at least if the game was thrown, it was thrown by friends instead of a pub)
                Play in a no-nonsense stack when you want to win (at least when you lose, you got outplayed/outdrafted)

                And playing serious solo queueing is a bad idea unless it's very high ranked mmr games where ppl are more inclined to win. I'm at 4k party mmr in SEA and we get trolls in teams often at that mmr who're not interested in winning (I usually only play ranked with 1 or 2 friends when they want to play ranked).

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                  Have a seperate account for causal / trolling. I do and my demand to play omni carry goes down extremely well everytime