General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 5 Most Underrated Heroes?

Top 5 Most Underrated Heroes? in General Discussion
:) Baby Bushkin :)

    Forgive me for my annoying forums but y'all know what happens when i get curious, i've just gotta ask the professionals :)

    I play deathmatch quite a lot when i'm not playing random draft. I find it's good for getting to know a large variety of heroes and i always have a go at playing them except when the odd hero comes up that i know i'm gonna suck ass with like Earth Spirit, Visage or Shadow Demon.. Trust me the list is longer.. However i've found that when i'm drafted a hero nobody particularly wants to be i play well. A player called BRekt or something said that most heroes these days in matches are picked due to a reputation they have among the players and the DOTA 2 community and not the hero itself or what it can offer to the battle. I kinda thought he was right in a way so i was wondering what you guys think the top 5 most Underrated heroes are and why they don't get picked as often as they do?

    1. Treant Protector
    2. Medusa
    3. Phoenix
    4. Undying
    5. Disruptor

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      I have a huge hard-on for heroes that can offer diversity, survivability and value. But i think these make heroes amazing in pub games because no one can fall into games with a solid composition all the time. It's this mentality of picking heroes with evident purpose rather than utility and effectiveness in all areas that make these bottom heroes under-used, under appreciated and least understood.

      I'm not saying people don't play them, but not many people know them or use them to their fullest potential. that's what I think anyway...

      1. Ancient Apparition

      2. Undying

      3. Broodmother

      4. Tusk

      5. Techies


        Yeah I dont understand why people instantly give up when techies is picked.. most underrated hero atm for sure


          es es es es es

          Dire Wolf

            Sniper - Has a terrible reputation cus people choose the worst items for him and just all around suck. But if you are a good farmer and have good positioning he is a beast late game. He's an awesome counter to void spam in my bracket cus with enough IAS and headshots you can completely shut down void during his chronos. The only downside to him is he is super easy to gank early, having no escape and being squishy until you have some items, but a lot of heroes are like that.

            Necro cus people don't realize his full carry potential and still try to slot you as a support.

            Visage cus no one tries him.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Shadow Demon
              Troll Warlord


                These heroes i would like to see more in the pro scene


                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                  @Timpey Necrophos is actually good i think so i completely agree even though he gets bullied about, you put him with a strong carry like Tidehunter and he will seriously go to work like a boss. I think Abaddon is great but i'm pretty poo with him haha need to give him a chance.

                  @SamFuckinPeckinpah The ones you've said i see get picked a lot. But Bristleback is an interesting choice considering i usually see him get picked in pro games but never in PUB games. I thought he was quite good.

                  @Timberwolf your best pick obviously is Visage, he is so underplayed. I found when i played him i was rubbish because i didn't know how to effectively play him but i'd pick him again to learn.

                  @Stanton Ancient Apparition is under played and underrated as hell he can contribute a lot more than what people give him credit for. Undying i love being but people always give me s**t for picking him.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I don't love apartion as a go to support, I mainly like him to counter supports that depend heavily on lifesteal or heals, like obviously he's a great pick vs dazzle, omin and jugger and sooo good vs necro, but also vs naix, pa and void since they usually need to leech life from you to win. Against normal teams though? I'd rather have something else, he doesn't quite have enough disable.



                      Get it :D?


                        Spirit Breaker with latest buff

                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                          @Timberwolf i do wish i was a hell of a lot better with Apparition though since the first time i played with him a while ago and had no idea what i was doing but once i learned how to use him i think he's great.

                          @YouOnlyLiveOnce I Hate Meepo haha but still i guess if you like him then hey

                          @Eeyore Tusk i'm really not a fan of and I can't stand Spirit Breaker even though to me he's probably is the best initiator in the game. Necrophos and AA i do agree with, i played with a Necrophos in my last game and he played well i always find Necrophos players are ballsy and they help more than most other supports apart from Rubick, he really should be picked more often.



                            Pretty much just 5 heroes that I think are viable, but don't see that often.


                              zeus tuskar omni necrophos
                              phoenix+dusa combo

                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                @Frostychee Sniper isn't underrated haha but i agree that Disruptor is, i think Luna and Slardar are also good but don't get picked that often especially considering how tanky and unstoppable Slardar can become. Disruptor i totally agree with you though totally underrated in the early game. Jug is a weird one because i'm not sure if he's underrated or not, but i never really see him get picked.

                                @FanOfEnvy Necrophos, Phoenix and Medusa i couldn't agree more with, never get played and such good heroes, i personally love being Phoenix

                                Midi Prill

                                  Always lose to this shit

                                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                    @BZ never been Clockwerk but the professional teams always pick him


                                      if we are talking about pub scene, definetely enchantress

                                      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...


                                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                          @Sleave yeah i'm a PUB player mainly i don't dare play MMR matches haha don't wanna let people down, anyhow Enchantress is underrated but she is so overpowered by all the other heroes but yeah she is good, but just annoying.

                                          @ChicoTimido absolutely correct haha Dazzle usually holds his carries hand until the tower goes down and then supports everybody in the later team fights and what does he get just left to die or used as bait to lure the enemy team in, so underrated. Well that's what usually happens in the Dazzle matches that i play anyway


                                            Earth Spirit

                                            :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                              @Efextoide i'd want to agree but Earth Spirit i find to be the most pointless hero on the game haha