General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you had to remove 5 heroes from the game who would they be?

If you had to remove 5 heroes from the game who would they be? in General Discussion
:) Baby Bushkin :)

    I skyped with my mate this morning since we didn't get to play DOTA 2 last night. He asked me why i always play Random Draft or Death Match and the reason being that when i pick the 'All Pick' game mode the same heroes always get picked and it gets a bit boring.
    So just for a bit of fun and for conversation i asked "If you could remove 5 heroes from the game who would they be?" i was curious if any of you guys could remove 5 heroes who would they be and why? This is just some lighthearted conversation nothing serious, i'm just curious as all :)


      who on earth skypes in the morning to talk about dota


        Spirit Breaker, Techies, Pudge, Sniper, Terrorblade.

        :) Baby Bushkin :)

          It came up in conversation.. I didn't skype him to talk about it

          :) Baby Bushkin :)

            @X6 techies would have been in my top 5 and Sniper and Pudge, Spirit Breaker is a difficult one for me because he's only recently become irritating and a regular pick, why terrorblade? :)


              earth spirit axe ogre magi terrorblade slark


                I would rather they add more heroes than subtract existing heroes.

                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                  @Allison I get why you've said Slark the annoying little s**t but Terrorblade has come up twice now, why does everybody hate him? haha Axe i thought would get said sooner or later and Erth Spirit most people don't pick anyway so he's obviously be a prime choice. Why would you take Ogre Magi out? i really like him :)


                    because ogre is broken and terroblade is cancerous shit

                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                      @Dr.Barber i read an article saying they are addind 3 heroes and possible an additional hero, but it's mainly rumor, one of them was called 'Oracle' and he looks pretty cool :)

                      :) Baby Bushkin :)

                        @Allison good reasons haha i think.. forget that i said i like Ogre Magi hahaha

                        Dire Wolf

                          If you had asked me this prior to last patch it would've been a lot easier (invoker, bloodseeker, mirana top 3) but I have been seeing far less invoker spam now and bloodseeker has gone from an every game pick to almost non-existent in my bracket. Even mirana I'm not noticing much now. Though the numbers don't really back me up, invoker and mirana are still top 6 most played this month, but maybe I don't notice them as much now.

                          I can't vote for sniper because I love to play him lol, but yes, I do hate when other people on my team pick him and play him wrong (or at least much different than I try to).

                          So I'd probably pick earthshaker, pudge, juggernaut, techies and slark.

                          Earthshaker cus my team's earthshakers always suck while enemy teams win games for them. Pudge cus comon, pudge is just annoying on either team. Jugger cus his ult is so ridiciulous and he can solo kill anyone with aghs even if he is thousands of gold behind. Techies because he slows games down way too much to be fun. Slark because similarly to jug he can have the worst start in the world and still snowball his way to easy wins, gayest hero ever.


                            It's still too early to ask this question.

                            Just wait until the final 4 heroes are ported and the answer will be Oracle, Winter Wyvern (though I'm planning on spamming this one), Arc Warden (fuck this guy), Earth Spirit and Techies.

                            Although, honestly rather than downright removing I'd rework them.


                              " Jugger cus his ult is so ridiciulous and he can solo kill anyone with aghs even if he is thousands of gold behind."


                                +1 ogre
                                retarded hero :D


                                  slark is ridiculous after the nerf to void
                                  dragon kngiht

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I was exaggerating a little but his level 3 ult with aghs deals average 2550 dmg before armor to a single target, and that's not including his auto attacks druing it. And you can do crap to him while he's in it. It's a pretty safe bet he will win any fight against any hero under 2k hp 1v1 at 16. So yeah, don't fight him 1v1, but it's just annoying when some heroes have an iwin button.

                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                      @Timberwolf Slark i knew would get mentioned quite a lot especially for the reasons you have mentioned, Earth shaker and Juggernaut never get picked in my bracket and Juggernaut didn't even get picked when i used to play limited heroes. But Techies and Pudge speak for themselves haha.

                                      @LK.ZANO i can't wait to have a play with Oracle haha he looks really good :D defo my type of hero

                                      @Efexotide I can see that everybody hates Slark hahaha and obviously Riki needs a mention the Purple prick but why Broodmother haha she never gets picked in my bracket and aww no i like Dragon Knight, more to the point he's one of those heroes i wish i could be really good with.



                                          Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                          Low Expectations

                                            Brood, Ogre, Skywrath, Death Profit, Techies, Riki

                                            milk that tastes like rea...

                                              "Arc Warden (fuck this guy)"


                                                Terrorblade, Mirana, and Techies should need no explanation.

                                                But I'd add Dark Seer because I hate the fucker so much, and Wraith King so that MISHA WOULD PICK A DIFFERENT FUCKING HERO WHEN WE DUAL QUEUE.


                                                  Nigga you like winning. Don't complain.


                                                    Meepo x5

                                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                      @Chains Ogre Magi is getting so much hate haha

                                                      @HardcoreHeathen Why don't you like dark seer? im just curious

                                                      @Deadshot all of your pics i kinda agree with but what's your beef with Death Prophet i really like her

                                                      @Mekarazium i agree with you apart from Timbersaw he's one of those heroes i wish i was really good with but sadly i'm awful haha


                                                        Broodfucker, naga siren, terrorblade, nothing else

                                                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                          @Technically!! wish somebody would explain why everybody hates Terrorblade haha but Broodmother i don't mind and Naga Siren never gets picked in my bracket haha

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            I only really hate the sunder on TB. You have to time disables or kill him twice. He's impossible to solo if you don't have disables.


                                                              @9plasm: He's incredibly annoying to lane against but doesn't DO anything in pubs. He relies on his team so hard. So if I play with a Seer, great, we lose because that shit is worse than techies. Play against it, yeah we probably win but the first 10 minutes are going to be miserable.

                                                              Mr. Crowley


                                                                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                  @HardcoreHeathen that's completely understandable i guess, plus his ultimate us horrendous haha

                                                                  @Timberwolf i think he's a great hero but i'm useless with him, he's one of those 5 heroes i wish i was really good with but i get why you dislike him :)

                                                                  @LeeroyJenkins I've seen so much hate towards Broodmother, i think she's good, Pudge and Meepo i'm not even going to because everybody hates them haha But i like Death Prophet except i think her build is a bit crap, plus i don't like buying a bloodstone for some odd reason which makes me wonder why i like picking Timbersaw haha but Necrophos is a new one, why don't you like him? i think he can be one of the best supports if he's played right.

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!