General Discussion

General DiscussionI think oracle is not that good

I think oracle is not that good in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Atleast in my 4k SEA bracket, i havent encountered anything that makes me think hes op. But theres a lot of interesting combos such as oracle ursa lol


      it's op if player knows how to use it... basically make stupid pa impossible to kill


        oracle-anything is ridiculous

        you havent met good oracle players


          He's a table flipper...that ult is just needs rescaling to either 3/6/9 or 5/7/9 duration...7 seconds at level 6 is just incredibly gamebreaking, at least at pubplay levels :\

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            noob hero.. ill rape that oracle shit with my anti


              well, i'm pretty sure noone can even play him semi-decently in normal, unlike other noob-friendly heroes he has a ridiculously high skill floor and relies on coordination with teammates to fully exploit his abilities

              hell i've met maybe only 1 or 2 semi-decent players so far, and those were hellish enough to play against

              Tento komentář byl upraven
              PINGU NIDEPIGU

                @Kael. yes please. rape them normal bracket oracles harder


                  To be honest, play against Oracle is almost free MMR, I mean, playing with Earth Spirit, Just jump in and silence. Isn't OP at all


                    @Chinese guy

                    EZ ORCALE EZ KIKLLS


                      true, he needs a buff


                        haha cant even tell chinese from jap


                          I'm really underwhelmed by the projectile speed on his Q.


                            The problem with most Oracles is that always try to semi carry which causes them to play like retards.

                            They start ulting themselves instead of your carry.



                              Because I don't watch regular hentai like you do.. Btw I don't give a fk if it Chinese or japanese


                                hahahaha ure just stupid


                                  Oracle carry is best


                                    I like when the enemy dont know how to play Oracle so he can keep healing me in lane phase


                                      Played one game with Oracle, I believe this is one of the strongest heroes in the game when mastered.

                                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                        Oracle dies with 3 hits from OD lol
                                        easier to kill than skywrath mage.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          the broken thing, IMO, is the cast range of the ult... if oracle need to get really closer to the target it would be much harder to save the carrier


                                            fucking ulti on slark gg wp, ulti on legion and let him duel, gg wp, ulti on mortred and watch the enemy say "pls end mid fast"
                                            ulti some retarded hero like razor, man its just too many to list them all.


                                              He's not very good against mobile heroes that can do a lot of safe or quick damage. Timbersaw in particular seems very good against him as all of his nukes will hit invis heroes, oracle's 'stun' doesn't stop spellcasting, and oracle can't do shit to minimize the Pure damage dealt to his allies.



                                                Solo supporting all game, got all the wards and everything.
                                                I mean, how is Oracle 'not that good'?


                                                  is this shit still broken? havent played for 1 week the dotas so im new tech me plis