General Discussion

General Discussion10 Creeps per Minute Rule

10 Creeps per Minute Rule in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I've recently been trying to sharpen up carrying in lower level unranked games (as I haven't played them in a while) and have been focusing more on pressuring towers and farming using ancient stacking, though the Tiny and a Dragon Knight match didn't use ancient stacking (bonus points if you can identify which Dragon Knight game I didn't use ancient stacking on).

    However, I've never been able to hit the sacred 10 creeps/minute even with flash farmers such as Anti Mage or Tiny, or by not helping my team at all. How do I become more efficient at farming while being involved with the team?

    Of course, obvious answers are "don't die" and "last hit better", which everyone can work on.


      I'd be surprised if anyone manages 10s/minute with DK - it's possible but he doesn't fit the carry-with-gold-advantage role in my eyes - he's more of an objective-based hero and so doesn't farm as much.

      Good question - nice to hear some tips from better players (I'm clearly terrible at maximising CS/minute) but I think your team has to stack for you and your team have to be winning anyway for you to hit 10+ cs a minute.

      The general advice is efficient lane to jungle rotation/wave skipping/ancients, carry a tp scroll, quelling blade in jungle.
      My best AM game was 8.2 but I did stupidly twice which reduced efficiency by 3%. I guess don't die.. Apparently my highest ever CS/minute is 8.74 on Luna.

      Rusty Ken (retiring)

        Don't go around ganking mindlessly early, you are much better off farming (a few creeps = a hero kill). Always carry a tp and tp onto a tower when its lane is pushed. Utilize jungle well (a lot of lower skill players neglect jungles and tend to farm at lanes only). Before you farm a pushed lane, especially when a tower or 2 of that lane is down, make sure you ask yourself: Which hero on the enemy team is a threat to me? Then look on the minimap and make sure that hero isn't missing. If you don't die so much, your farm rate will skyrocket tremendously.
        Also, don't just farm non-stop just to achieve that 10cs/min goal. Always carry a tp and tp into a tower when your team gets dived and your presence would turn the fight around. However, don't help those who get caught out too far away from you or your tower, as your "help" may result in an unnecessary feed.

        EDIT: I think only heroes like naga, terrorblade, am can achieve 10 cs/minute easily. Carries like DK should just try to obtain a reasonable amount of farm to contribute to your team.

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          I was once told a hard carry needs to have 100 last hits before 10 minutes to be effective throughout the game, which is total bullshit, but it's interesting the goals people set. I tend to try and get at least 45+ last hits before 10 minutes, which is about average for my skill level I think. Irregardless, it's good to have a goal set in mind, although I think that 10 creeps per minute is a little bit of an overshot, it can be achieved with smart creep pulling tactics, some coordination from your support, and some positive reinforcement.

          Set a goal, practice, ???, repeat.


            random tip if you get bottle plus illusion rune u can stack 4 camps if u activate the illusion rune at 46.5 seconds approx


              its not that difficult with a lot of heroes, especially AM. All you really need to do is farm efficiently once you get some items going, where you can clear the jungle + 1 or 2 waves every minute. Items like MoM make it easy for heaps of heroes. If you are in the safelane, at some point you should be clearing the wave + farming the 2 closest camps every minute, which is probably something like ~15 CS/minute.

              Early kills can improve your CS as well if it means you are getting those items like MoM/battlefury earlier.

              It would be extremely difficult to hit 10cs/min on DK without going for a suboptimal build or being fed. The hero is basically just meant to bulk up and push. DK's DPS and mobility are both naturally pretty low, so farming quick isn't easy.

              ^TA, SF, Drow, Ember, Void, Gyro, Jugg, Kunkka, Leshrac, Luna, Medusa, Meepo, Morph, Lone Druid, Necro, OD, PA, QoP, Timber, Tinker, Tiny can all reach 10cs without too much trouble (provided they are looking to maximise farm without restricting their impact on the game too much).

              Could probably add more heroes to that list but that would probably involve suboptimal play


                if theres enemy lane has ranged creep advantage you can probably rotate into the jungle for abit and then come back to clean up the wave when its about to reach your tower.
                dire safe lane can stack pull hard camp at 53
                stack camps if you cant clear them in time
                if ure dire mid taking top rune and have spare time you can stack the mid camp before taking the rune
                same if you are radiant mid taking top rune you can stack ancients if you/your team can clear them later on

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                  ive only had one game like this and it was with a terror blade jungle


                    Using Manta style effectively can boost your gpm...

                    THICC BABY SHUM


                      Maester Wappie

                        anything below 18cs a minute is really slacking... match id 99946042



                          posted it in the form of a link so its easier

                          old pl was the best at split push, RIP ):


                            ^QB glitch + furion helps


                              Go blink on DK and you can prolly get 10 cs/min quite ez.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  holy shit


                                    Enigma fed you eidolons?


                                      Going by an arbitrary cs/min is kinda dumb imo...Farm is always relative to the other team. In most cases you'll be needed in a team fight or for pushes instead of farming x cs/min.

                                      Welt aus Eis

                                        I really wanna see that TB replay lol, do you have it? Upload plx