General Discussion

General DiscussionAt LAST i made it

At LAST i made it in General Discussion

    I got out of the 4k trench into the new 5k trench!
    i reached it earlier today but i cant call myself 5k at 5020 so now im 5140 its safe to say I'VE DONE IT

    From 3.6k (calibrated at 3.7 my min was 3.6k) ggwp

    Dat winning streak tho (got it at the jugger game)

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Congrats dude, now pls helpme reach 0 mmr


        You still have 54% win rate on ranked matches. You still have not reached the MMR you deserve yet. Are all of those solo matches? That makes a big difference.


          Good job, its a shame that I couldn't keep up last night I had too many losses so called it a night.


            NICEEEEEEE!! finaly ! gratzzzz


              you mean once you hit a 50% winrate in ranked you have reached the mmr you deserve?


                If you reach 50% over all ranked matches, you are pretty much where you started.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  I think he meant to say that when you reach a 50% winrate on ranked for the last month or so, that's your true MMR and your new trench.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    After 6k games don't even differ though.


                      nice win streaks




                          Thank u all and yah they were all solo cuz i really wanted to get it i was playing to my best and never gave up lost a bit today cuz bad luck im at 506x atm