General Discussion

General Discussiondoes anyone play DotA? original.

does anyone play DotA? original. in General Discussion

    How much you have improved since last time you played DotA?

    Do you think that Dota and Dota 2 isnt the same game?

    Pros and cons of both?


      well dota gamestyle remains oldschool at least on bnet.. i used to play dota 1 when im bored and want to troll a bit and get childhood memories

      but lol im much better at dota 1 than i used to be before dota 2 came out


        I never played DotA 1, but played some modes in WC3 during Lans.
        Green Man Frontier? Or whatever its called. 4 bases, spawn units and smash other peoples bases.

        DotA1 and DotA2 is the same game. I don't understand why you would opinions on something that's a fact.
        Obviously theres mechanics that doesn't working completely the same, but it's the same game. Right?

        DotA2 is the better high quality, stable game.
        DotA1 is the Original, works more or less on any computer.


          Green Man Frontier - Footman Wars/Frenzy


            omggg ^ i used to play wow arena , warlocks , green td :')

            and win some izi tournaments in dota 1 :D huehueheue i go play on bnet now gg

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Legion/Element/You TD and Castle Fight. I played Dota as well and I really gotta say I improved. I saw the first ward being bought in Dota 2, the game is just higher leveled and more noob-friendly.


                Yh Footman Frenzy it is


                  the escapes were awesome.
                  also that game where u have a tuskar and slide on ice and dodge lava and stuff, pretty op

                  and d1 was way better, the mechanisms.. u actually had to be skilled to play the game, here everything is done for you.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Yes, but amount of skilled players in Dota is not comparable to Dota 2.

                    Dota 2 is much more competitive, and players here are better.


                      To be honest, you had to be more skilled in dota1 only because the mechanics were shittier.

                      Besides dota1, I really enjoyed some mindless Uther Party fun. Also stuff like Hero Line Wars, Dota LOD, classic Pudge Wars, Warlock and a ton of random maps some friends picked at random just to see what they were about.

                      The most stupid one was one called "Corre que te violan". Roughly translated as "Run or get raped".


                        Legion TD and YouTD are two maps I sometimes play in WC3. Haven't touched DotA since like 2011.

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                          Warlocks anyone?


                            I stayed pretty much the same. only had to get used to d2.


                              I think I improved a lot due to easy shopping/fully working mechanics/matchmaking

                              as for wc3 maps, sometimes I play Twilight's Eve ORPG/Moo Moo/X Hero Siege/Tree Tag


                                dota is harder and that's a fact.


                                  I was a fan of various Hero Sieges, especially Moo Moo and X Hero Siege. We also played these few big RPG maps in our LAN. Heroes and Empires, for example, was an awesome map.