General Discussion

General DiscussionBest way to play sniper

Best way to play sniper in General Discussion
MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

    I want to try the hero, but what is the optimum way to play him? Mid? Hard carry?

    Linda | DotaExchange

      Mid, max shrapnel, kill tower, stick with team after that, ez.


        solo easy lane


          buy sange+wraith bands+bkb, and only push towers with shrapnel.


            dual lane or solo if your against a week lane, don't go mid unless your team doesn't have a good mid hero, make phase>MoM>MoC>crit, take one point in head shot at 1, then max take aim, then shrapnel, get the last 3 points in head shot after that, take ult when ever you can. once you have shrapnel slow siege towers, always stand really far back and let your team mates start fights.


              get some cheap stats early on, bottle boots aquila should be done at around 6 minutes ish. after that id recommend getting a midas or treads then MoM and force staff or blink. i really love force staff on the hero, people love initiating or running at you and it really helps with positioning, which is snipers main problem. you could even get both.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                What are you talking about? Sniper is a support, so best way to play him is a safe lane support. Go for 4-1-1-1 build with Soulring => Arcane Boots => (disassemble) Bloodstone => Desolator. Some good options are Medallion, Aquila, Mek or whatever your team needs.

                And don't forget to buy wards and courier!

                Dire Wolf

                  I wouldn't listen to those suggesting blink or mask in your bracket (I see a lot of normal skill in your history). Those are some high risk/high reward items. I play sniper a ton and here's what works for me.

                  You can go any lane you just need a support in offlane, preferably one with a stun to save your ass if mid ganks. You can solo safe if you have good wards and vision of potential gankers coming.

                  Put 1 point in headshot, then 1 point in take aim. Then max shrapnel unless it's a very hard lane and you absolutely need that extra range to get last hits. Like if some assholes offlane a necro and a bristleback, that's when you need more range to safely last hit cus on good goo and you will die. Just put as many points as you need into take aim and max shrapnel with the rest.

                  For items you can choose between treads of phase. If your team has a lot of disables to protect you in team fights and enemy doesn't have a lot or have heroes who can get on you like a PA or void treads are fine. Otherwise I like phase to escape and position better. Then get aquila. You can go soul ring I guess but I think aquila is enough. Then get a maelstrom, great farm item for sniper. Then build a s&y. Trust me I swear by this item. Once you have that you will be surprisingly hard to kill. You'll have a lot more hp than most agi carries and you'll be fast with headshot and maim procs. People will have trouble catching you.

                  After that you can build whatever you want, it kind of depends on game. If you're stomping or not getting attacked much you can go for daedulus or finish mjollnir. If you need dodge butterfly is good. If you want to get even tankier go skadi. If you are getting free shots on towers go deso cus it crushes them. I generally don't build bkb. Sniper's range is so good it's rare he gets disabled a lot if you just hang far back. I might get it if they have a tide who's building refresher or something but you don't need it vs your standard supports cus they'll die before they touch you in a team fight.

                  In your lane just farm, but once shrapnel is 3 or 4 push the tower hard with it then rotate to the other t1s and kill them same way. Mid game push when it's safe but you can easily run up and shrapnel a wave and back and clear jungle. Don't leave your ass out there cus you're squishy before your sange. Remeber that sniper's range and shrapnel mean he can safely push high ground, towers, and he defends high ground really well. Don't ever give up in a game. If you have a rax left you can win, just D til you have items.

                  Don't pick sniper vs spirit breaker, slark or bloodseeker, PA is really annoying too. Do pick sniper vs void though, headshots mess him up badly just don't get chrono'd! But you will save your teammates asses with good positioning.


                    Don't solo against anyone with stun or blink, it's hopeless.
                    Mind your position always, try to always be clear of what you can do or what you can't, always on a team fight stay back in a way they can't stomp you or it's appears too costly for them.
                    Pretty much what Soultrap said, if it's a stable game where you're not destroying, think if it's worthy taking the risk of pushing or going jungle instead of keep up with your teammates in hard times, this is what I see many snipers doing when they are not doing very well and they always get in a worse situation.


                      You can go with any item builds, but Desolator is "must have".

                      @Good Grief
                      Support is a support, not a carry who failed to farm anything.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      Dire Wolf

                        I don't agree with deso being core. It limits a lot of your other options like skadi or satanic and it makes you a big glass cannon if you rush it.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          MoM Snipers are glass cannons. Deso is fine and it stacks well with Mjollnir too.


                            How To Not Play Sniper -->
                            He was Godlike in the beginning but he chose to get Linkens over BKB and then died in clutch moments

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              He died only 5 times. Can you really blame him?


                                EBLADE RUSH


                                  lol lol lol

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I'd be more pissed about going midas than going linkins. But both are stupid.

                                    I also don't recommend mask of madness. I guess deso is fine, but you have to get *some* hp somewhere so you better get an ult orb first then finish manta later or rush a s&y right after or even before. I don't think I could go maelstrom -> deso -> mjollnir and not die a dozen times along the way.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      build the item on my pic and ezy game

                                      Jorges Sanz

                                        Has anyone tried going for the no take aim, shotgun range sniper? Seems to me holding 550 range is much better if you want to use shrapnel to kite especially after they removed the headshot ministun.

                                        Obviously this means you have to build much more defensively with Treads, Drums, S&Y, Bkb etc..

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          You mean maxing shrapnel and headshot and take aim last? I don't really see the point, just get 1 in headshot then alternate points between shrapnel and take aim. Like 2,3,1,1,1,4 or with two in take aim, 2,3,1,3,1,4. Headshot increases snipers average dmg per shot by 6/16/26/36. For 3 points 30 more dmg doesn't seem like that much too me to skip take aim entirely.

                                          MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                            Thanks for help guys.

                                            Did I farm too much this game and not help my team enough?


                                            I mean based on td/hd

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              Linda still new pc omfg PLIS TILL XMAS GET IT FUCKING FUCKSDJSADASJDSA


                                                lol seriously you didn't contribute much to the game lol

                                                MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                  Well when we started to lose I came out of the jungle, killed rax, got a double kill, and destroyed tier 4's and my team was able to finish from there. Otherwise yea I was pretty much an anchor for like 45 minutes


                                                    you should be quite a bit more useful just by being a walking assassinate in fights. just tp to towers that are being pushed in, drop a shrapnel, sit in back, wait for ppl to use spells, then hit them, assassinate whenever you can. should make you a lot more useful


                                                      also you want to be maximizing attack speed and mobility instead of raw damage (until semi-ultra lategame). meaning you would prefer thinks like blink force on mobility and maelstrom/mjollnir/mask of madness/butterfly. manta and skadi are both really nice on him too. skadis effect is absurd on sniper with headshot enemies basically cant move and cant hit anything, and it gives him a ton of nice stats, mantas super nice utility.

                                                      in the normal skill bracket, going force staff is actually a really good idea. tons of people love to initiate on you or whatever, force staff gives you a free get out of jail card there, then just pop mask of madness and win the fight

                                                      and timberwolf, midas is incredibly good on him - hes not a hero that gains a lot from one or two major items, but rather gains a lot from 4 or 5 items, his kit gives him most of his utility and its maximized by lots of items. additionally, levels are really useful since all of his skills need to be pumped into, making him a great midas user. and hey attack speed never hurts

                                                      desolator for the same reason is pretty bad on him. 4100 gold into a midgame item; he doesnt need more right click pushing power (thats really not his strong suit, despite him being able to attack towers out of their range), hes an attack speed carry (because of headshot, more ias = more headshot procs = more damage and headshot utility). id highly recommend not getting it and seeing how you do without it.

                                                      the reason people fail in pubs with him is because they play him as a useless glass cannon (MoM shadowblade crit is the most common i believe) but this fails because he has 900 hp, no mobility (shadowblades really shit in general), crit requires you to have a substantial damage or you would be better off going mkb. get mobility like force and blink (force is really good at all levels) along with some good attack speed and you'll be fine


                                                        @dont pick invoker thanks
                                                        Headshot is the reason why Desolator is absolutely must have item for Sniper. Headshot deals more damage (which is physical) thanks to armor reduction.


                                                          at start buy wraith+ tangos, rush treads, then buy desolator
                                                          build is lvl 1-hs, 2range, 3 range, 4 stat, 5 range, 6 ult, 7 range, max stats and take ult at 11 and 16.

                                                          As long as you position well, you should be fine in teamfights.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            It's hard to judge a game where the best counter on their team to you abandoned. But dying 7 times with that little kill participation is bad and it's easy to see why, look at your items, mask, daedulus, only hp item is manta. You pop mask and meepo can one shot you with poof. It looks like bh and dk carried that game for you which is fine, sometimes you gotta just farm and be a ringer. If your team is winning without you no need to fight, just try not to die 7 times.


                                                              Usually I go for 2xbands, phase boots, mask of madness, maelstorm, bkb / s&y and then depending on game butterfly/mkb/mjolnir/BoT.

                                                              MoM is really good for farming, chasing and bursting targets when you feel safe in team fight (when targets with blink are already focused, chrono is down etc). Blink is good too if you have good reflexes to dodge stuff with it.

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                This is how I usually play sniper.

                                                                Farm not impressive but still managed to crank out enough tower damage and only die 4 times when team died 40. I went skadi over more dmg items because we already have a shitload of team fight dmg with es and tiny and no enemy bkbs and we have a shitload of tower dmg with ss and tiny. So basically just trying to counter viper and huskar, live through their shit as well as slow them down with skadi. If our safelane carry was say spectre and not tiny maybe I go deso there instead idk.

                                                                आप गे क्यों

                                                                  "I wouldn't listen to those suggesting blink or mask in your bracket (I see a lot of normal skill in your history). Those are some high risk/high reward items." -rip timber

                                                                  when u pick sniper, u are DEMANDING to play a glass cannon. No matter what build you go, you are ez food.

                                                                  Recent pros that went blink/mask on their sniper -> bull dong, wagamanga, lodagwd..practically everyone builds a mobility item on sniper

                                                                  waku waku

                                                                    in a pub, buying shadow blade and using it if someone jumps on you is surprisingly effective
                                                                    it takes a special kind of tryhard to blink at you AND reveal your invisibility

                                                                    [DFG] Whale King

                                                                      Dont pick against storm

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        "Recent pros that went blink/mask on their sniper -> bull dong, wagamanga, lodagwd..practically everyone builds a mobility item on sniper"

                                                                        They're good if you know what you're doing but there are other mobility items besides blink dagger and mask that are much easier to use and don't come with as much penalities like masks 30% increased dmg and blinks potential to break if you don't time it well enough. My advice was for his bracket and someone asking for advice, not a sniper pro. He might not have the skill to pull off those items and I see many, many snipers go mask or blink and fail big time. Just go phase boots and yasha into something and that is usually more than enough mobility.


                                                                          Max Shrap at level 7. Nothing bothers me more than 0-4-4-1 snipers. Oh nice just looked at your last game and yea your skill build is the exact same as mine.

                                                                          Item wise, sniper is very flexible, he can go pretty much any sort of dps item and it will help him. Manta/Sny/Deso/Skadi/Mkb/Bkb/Mjol/Daed/Bfly. Pretty much just want to maximize your attack speed to work for headshot. I really like blink if you think you can use it well enough.


                                                                            well mid or not the skill bild i use is 1 point headshot and max the shrapnel and Aim . Shrapnel have pretty good cast range is is good for anti and push and Aim just allow you in battles just to stay behind ur team.why not maxing headshot well if ur mid you gona farm but when you max aim shrap you can last hit far from the river or from hill to hill little bit hard to gang (if you have good mapawernes)ur mid anywa you get more exp so you gona max and headshot faster you just farm in the begining if you need 4 in headshot to farm i well said what a player :D.As items i think bkb very needed so you dont die insta from 2 spells . then some dmg item i prefer usuali mailstorm help you to farm faster you can do it even befor bkb so just to farm up faster

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                              go mid with sniper, get bottle and max shrapnel

                                                                              kill enemy tower without ever having to cross the river