General Discussion

General Discussionjust hit ranked, im done lmao

just hit ranked, im done lmao in General Discussion

    finally reached level 13 after fucking 230 games. anyway, the two ranked games I have played haven been sooo shit

    first game was a shit fest with my team mates happily flaming each other the entire game, especially timbersaw but w/e

    now game 2 was the WORST. Two guys literally have NO IDEA how to play their the fuck do you deal 3.9k hero damage as earth spirit? I thought maybe it was just me and he was doing stuff when I wasn't looking, because from what I saw he did nothing the whole game (although he did ward, so I'll give him some credit for that). I thought PA was decent, and seemed to be picking up his items at an ok speed given that we were pretty much in our base half the game, turns out he didn't even break 200 cs and he was talking shit to storm spirit about "winning mid". I don't even believe that this fucking blood seeker has played 1000 games..SO BAD

    I mean they ran a fucking tri-lane for some reason against a solo offlane invoker, and didn't do shit against him when BS should have been free farming by himself and they could easily jump him with ES + Lion

    I'll give it another shot tomorrow

    B L O G B O Y S out

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        the dream is crumbling


          nice 3k mmr smurf :))))


            how am i a smurf? I didn't play for a year because I did a semester overseas and then had to overload for the most recent semester which just ended a few weeks ago..oh right, I haven't played 2k games therefore im a smurf, lmao. I did play wc3 dota though

            @mokujin, xoxo

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              oops, pardon me, nice 3k mmr, not-a-smurf-player!


                are you trying to be offensive? do you really think i would care if i had 3k mmr? is masturbating to your mmr a compulsory activity in the 2k games virgin club?

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                  i am not, c'mon man, how offensive can i be with that awesome cute profile pic? :)


                    nice 2k smurf


                      nice 1.5k smurf


                        nice virgin smurf




                            nice 5k smurf


                              well it actually doesnt matter if you win games or not for calibration or not as long as u dont fk up urself so dont feel too bad


                                I guess someone didn't pay attention to any of the other complaining threads.

                                meta monkeys pick meta shit

                                  oh mai


                                    thnx for support guys :)

                                    edit: although I am curious how other people are playing ranked with like 100 games when it took me over 200 :(

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      afk in bot games or others


                                        does that still work? seems pretty cheap, should have done that though


                                          I don't think botgames are working anymore. Not sure though :)

                                          This account is just for the lolz, I haven't played in like 9 months.. Gosh I suck :D Calibration games or not, mmr will be trash :D


                                            you expect to have super awesome games at your MMR LAWL - you probably played solo games and wonder why your teammates suck - cuz they just as good as you



                                              Completely off topic but, how does a person who linger in the normal / high bracket even mantain 58% winrate O.o

                                              Low Expectations

                                                lold, at Virgin smurf :D


                                                  nice arab smurf


                                                    i unintentionally tanked my unranked mmr so it dropped to normal skill.
                                                    now im climbing it for naga practice and free prediction treasures

                                                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                      usually i talk to them before the picking phase
                                                      like, "so whats the plan? whos carrying and whos supporting?"

                                                      and spam till someone replies if they dont reply lol


                                                        @chompzz, where did I say I was expecting super awesome games? dealing 3.9k damage as an earth spirit and failing an extremely overkill and unnecessary tri-lane is quite some distance from "super awesome", or would you disagree? I've had decent team mates in my last few games, can't say the same for the opponents that I've played against, but I'll take the wins where I can

                                                        @ming, thanks for the response. I find this really difficult because pretty much every game people are locking down two or three cores and I figure I have to support or people will flame all day, even though I can't play support for shit. It doesn't help that very few people actually speak english...I swear in half my games its people speaking chinese or viet, not great for communication..

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