General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is this match my mistake?

How is this match my mistake? in General Discussion

    playing as a 5-stack, the oracle playing dota 2 for the first time (played dota 1 before).

    oke-oke early game, brew starts rolling, im getting average farm, void is struggling.

    one thing leads to another and we are struggling in fights even though we have a good combo wombo.Void is perma silenced/stun-locked but still does not want to go bkb for some reason. I do my stuff in teamfights, having effectively eliminated PA in 2-3 fights.But lets be honest,a 2-slotted juggernaut is a one trick pony. I can't do shit in team-fights after my omnislash, so i just hit till i'm below 50% and then pop healing ward and leave the fight since i'm pretty goddamn squishy.

    These guys proceed to flame me for not fully participating in team-fights.

    I'm like "dude i dealt the highest damage, so theoretically you did nothing, while i did."
    And they are like "but why do you run away from fights"
    "because i'm not good enough to use blink dagger in omnislash,implying that i can't run away from fights like void can."

    What did i do wrong? was it the item choice? Mjoll over deso?(there was this annoying fuck standing next to me and telling me shit)
    Pls respond.No flamerino


      Didn't get enough last hits, and also Desolator is an early-impact item that to some degree sacrifices late-game potential and if you aren't able to win early on the back of the -Armor when it means more, you'll struggle to win late against builds that are weaker early but peak higher.

      It isn't really a "mistake" except that you should never rely on players at that level following up or pushing in a timely manner and you can almost always count on things going long as a result. It would have been a very hard game to win without being overfarmed, considering your Void's non-presence and their team-fight capability.

      Epic Sax Guy

        Your carry (void) has the lowest worth on your team while the carry of the enemy (PA) has the highest. Your team's networth is 2/3 of your enemy's. It's like the Miami Heat meeting the Toronto Raptors, the $$$ isn't there.

        You are the best farmer on your team while the rest are quite low in cs. I see no fault on your side. Maybe you could have stayed in team fights a little longer hoping for some mad crits but that's iffy. The only thing I could fault you for is when you saw Void not stepping up you should have gone for a Mjollnir instead and started farming like mad in order to assume the carry role but that's really being very critical...


          Without looking at the game itself, I can clearly see that you were best player in team. Your item choices were not wrong. The fact that it is a normal skill game and your team talk shit on you when they clearly don't know what they are doing. Why supports didn't get a mechanism? Why Oracle bloodstone when your team need some hex or euls or anything but that! One of the carries (at least 1) need mkb cause of obvious reasons. Even though you might have done better, it is possible that there is nothing you could have done.


            Actually the reason i was not able to jungle that game was that they were going all full court-press on us, we were not able to press back even though we had amazing counter initiation in witch doctor in oracle ulti and chrono.

            Oracle had more gold than the enemy disruptor.
            What did disruptor make? force staff and mechansm. Both 100% utility and team-oriented items.
            What did Oracle get?Bloodstone.The only way he could heal all of us was if he died.Lel.
            I was critting for a measly 500-something while having no attackspeed to ultilize the crits. No mjoll Lel.


              It's not your fault. Void has 0 farm, Brew went for Shiva over Aganim, Oracle has wrong items..


                you couldnt really do much here. I can make some points tho.

                mkb over the deso vs pa everytime -

                Aghs not the best item choice here. Your team doesnt have much lock down the extra bounces/cd arent worth it. Void chrono is there but you cant really follow up on it as a melee. Cant even omni int chrono anymore if I remember correctly making it completely useless.

                Would go HOTD BKB MKB. Rely on auto attacking not just your ult. Use your ult before you die after you get in as many auto attack hits as possible and pray ult finishes the job or you can get away after. Mid to late game use spin as an escape not to initiate. It does shit damage compared to your auto atack, but your gonna need that bkb. I hate when people play jug as a one move wonder - his natural crit make him a high dps hero with some life leach he can mono a mono other carries.

                Also another choice would be basher -->abysal can stun people in ult and use the clickable feature of abysal during ult so they cannot run away.

                either way you had a mountain to carry on your back :D


                  Don't know how to play oracle but if you're in a 5 stack why are they flaming you?


                    "you and void are responsible for the loss"


                      you need to stack with better people, not people who blame you. There's solo for that.

                      and i dont mean to pick on you, but this is the 2nd time your posts are whack
                      "Your carry (void) has the lowest worth on your team while the carry of the enemy (PA) has the highest. Your team's networth is 2/3 of your enemy's. It's like the Miami Heat meeting the Toronto Raptors, the $$$ isn't there."

                      The Raptors are #1 in the East...


                        o shit can omni in chrono ty sir rat a lot


                          You said played 5 man stack forgot to mention with INDIANS which most of them are braindead.. so simple thats why you lost and even oracle who was playing first time was better than that utter shit void

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Brew going shiva over aghs is fine, but not before Vlads. Skipping vlads was his mistake.

                            Aghs is useless on brew if you can't micro him really well. it is already challenging for many players to use his normal spirit skills, let alone adding more.


                              didnt read anything but ur item choice is disgusting


                                Kael please stop insulting my nationality.

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  shitty farm, shitty items, shitty decisions.

                                  You failed.


                                    who listens to blunt in the first place.



                                      Seems like you didn't know where to go with your jugg. I mean, bracer is ok if you make drums and a fast aghanim, also quelling blade ain't that effective. I don't like the early critical points, you should add some stats and later the crits, when you want to start fighting. Your last hits are poor and the early critical hits usually ruin them if you're pushing or just farming. Desolator is good if you're good at farming and you can get it as fast as posible. Try to get more last hits and something like agh, butterfly, abyssal and sange & yasha :)

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        yeah, fuck that 6k guy, he has no idea what he's talking about. Better listen to 2k trash who support you Kappa


                                          He did what he could. Yeas. He could played better, but for his skilĺ~level he did okay job.

                                          Imagine if Void played at least with his farm and with possitive score?

                                          Yeah, 6k player can find mistakes in this match, however, for his skill~level, I think he did fine.


                                            Against their lineup, Shivas is dumpest item.

                                            Ags is better. A lot of hp, and other stuff.

                                            Even ac~heart is better then shiva.

                                            Btw, next time you get desolator, try to get some td. U can splitpush with jugg, and if void has some Idea how to play this game, he would get some farm

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              "Your carry (void) has the lowest worth on your team while the carry of the enemy (PA) has the highest. Your team's networth is 2/3 of your enemy's. It's like the Miami Heat meeting the Toronto Raptors, the $$$ isn't there."

                                              You know lebron is on Cleveland now right (whom Toronto is beating up on as we speak)?



                                                I geddit.i made a crap choice with desolator.I should have listened to my opinion not some potato standing by me ._.

                                                NEW MATCH:

                                                i man-fought spectre.twice.And won once before the abbysal and once after. wat is wrong with the world.She is supposed to steamroll me.

                                                Last hits are kinda less because i was struggling big time in laning.(retarded venomancer,no wards,rushes aquila,no aghs,steals last-hits) and was mostly roaming afterwards.

                                                Team-mates forcing me to get venomancer,when i was thinking something like a shadow shaman or lion to fuck with their squishy line-up and fulfill our lack of disables(lel 2k crap).