General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kind of music do you enjoy

What kind of music do you enjoy in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    It's cuz you're not a witch DD.

    Tento komentář byl upraven


      I don't watch streams, but isn't EE-sama the one known for streaming with craptacular music?

      Jay Ashborne

        EE's music is pretty typical what people think I listen too. Just weeaboo shit.

        RIP GVCCI, Queen of Darkness


          I don't watch many streams lately either, but I've seen plenty of people bitching about RTZ's music in the past year.
          Thought I dislike EE's music even more, it's not a part of his personality as much it is for arteezy and what he is known for.
          Edit: i meant to say 'public persona" not personality :)

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            yo melody, I started listening again and after forcing myself to listen I actually like it yo

            Jay Ashborne

              it's dark but it's also really raw and unfiltered.

              #2014 underground

              it's a shame she died. oh well.


              Tento komentář byl upraven

                if cancer was a song, one of the above would probably be it.

                Jay Ashborne

                  #Witch material

                  I dream in nightmares & 808's.

                  [size=8]"Witch house (also known as drag or haunted house) is an occult-themed dark electronic music genre and visual aesthetic that emerged in the late 2000s. The music is heavily influenced by chopped and screwed hip-hop, dark ambient soundscapes, and industrial and noise experimentation, and features use of synthesizers, drum machines, obscure samples, droning repetition and heavily altered, ethereal, indiscernible vocals.
                  The witch house visual aesthetic includes occult, witchcraft, shamanism and horror-inspired artworks, collages and photographs as well as significant use of typographic elements such as Unicode symbols. Many works by witch house visual artists incorporate themes from 60s, 70s and 80s cult and obscure horror movies, the television series Twin Peaks, and mainstream pop culture celebrities. Common typographic elements in artist and track names include triangles, crosses, and other Unicode symbols, which are seen by some as a method of keeping the scene underground and harder to search for on the Internet.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    im confused

                    Jay Ashborne

                      what confuses you lol, Im just spamming witch shit because I like it.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                        Jay Ashborne



                            spotify "popular" radio

                            or "emo" radio


                              ok if it's about shitty disturbing black metal what about this

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                and yea I usually listen to rap / chillstep / drum n bass while playing, even though i'm not a fan of these genders

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    so Melody started with ?
                                    dat obscurity lol
                                    but I bet eclectic score would be like 2/10 :D

                                    dunno I listen to many genres depends on mood

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      I listen to old world war 2 music . :-)

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Okay guys, time for the grand finale then.


                                          Oh please God help me.

                                          everything you need to know about the song.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            ^Wow, if you are actually serious about that, your music sense is more dumpster than Arteezy and EE combined.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                              Jay Ashborne



                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                    Jay Ashborne


                                                        To balance the fucked-up-ness of some of our stuff, here's a metal version of Mozart's "Dies Irae".

                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                          Zano always murdering my aesthetic vibe.

                                                          Jay Ashborne

                                                            Love me some Gaahl.


                                                              Ok fine, here's some more fucked up stuff. Probably the most fucked stuff I listen to.

                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                I cant wait. *Eager face*

                                                                I love drone/black metal.... this sounds so promising thirty seconds in.

                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                  ZANO I AM 11 MINUTES IN. PLS MORE I LOVE

                                                                  Yea..... so when is mass. god damn this so so good.

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    funeral doom metal ?
                                                                    kinda want that on my funeral tbh


                                                                      Lol, I was in my french courses. I don't have a lot of stuff in that style, certainly not more fucked up than that anyway. The rest of my Funeral doom is more laid back or has a very different atmosphere.

                                                                      It's a shame we don't have PMs though, we are probably pissing off a lot of people by now :P

                                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                                        ahaha I like most stuff with crosses. Upside down, occult. doesnt matter. I am a music junkie, especially ambient droning repetition stuff. I love it.