General Discussion

General DiscussionEarly stats on am?

Early stats on am? in General Discussion

    seems so some pros skill stats early on am. is why this better than maxing blink?

    kanye went to uni

      theres no point maxing blink until you start farming jungle with battlefury; one point's enough for escape purposes

      you could max blink for some sort of next level super aggressive laning strat maybe? :p

      harvard graduate

        1-1-1-1 at 6 is the best AM build because you are barely going to use Blink before Battlefury anyway, so you only really need one point into it to get away. You also get another 79 HP in lane which actually is a lot since you are going to get a PMS and a point into spellshield. Its overall better ability to stay in lane which is Antimage's only weak point in the game. You also have difficulties clearing the jungle after battlefury if you dont have the extra stats. Generally the only spells you need is maxed blink when you have treads/Battlefury which you should get at around 15 minutes and max manabreak once you get Manta which is like on Minute 23.


          sometimes get 2 mana burn : )

          sometimes got no spells hield : )

          sometimes dont skill mana burn : )

          sometime sget more blink level : )


            Depends on the game




              This. The 38 hp will help you in most games. Sometimes manaburn is better, for example against a timbersaw. With some help in the first 3 min you can even send your supports to other lanes against timber. Without mana he can't do shit. With your better bat and manaburn you can harrass him out of the lane and prevent him from farming. He cant really trade hits with you, since you do more damage and has low armor.

              Against darkseer early spellshield will take alot out of his damage, and will secure you more farm.

              But in most games stats are the better choice. With full boots (many antimage skip fullboots for earlier battlefury, wich I cleary do not recommend), spellshield lvl 1, 2 points in stats and pms you are really hard to gank.

              Early lvl Blink is very rare. Against mirana or wr it is nice to have, so you can jump on them often to hit. But this will require an early perserverance, since you will need mana...

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              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                19x4 = 79. Dotabuff level maths right there.


                  or be a man and dont skill stats unless you're fucked


                    I put the wrong number. Sorry, stoned.

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                      @OP, depends on which build you're going. Right now, to my satisfaction, there are 2 other new AM build that popped out from top tier players: the slahser build and, recently, the kuroky build.

                      So basically you got 3 builds: BurNing, Slahser, Kuroky:

                      BurNing build is the farm extravaganza build where you need early stats because you're going battlefury and need some sort of survivability and higher manapool. You go 1-1-1-1 by lvl 6 (with 2 in stats) then you get another lvl in blink simply for a lower CD and just go stats until you finish your battlefury (you should have lvl 4 blink around the time you get BF) then max out mana break around the time you get manta.

                      The Slahser build focuses on getting somewhat mediocre items (but give your hero a bit of everything) and is focused on fighting early and snowballing. This build focuses on maxing mana break since it gives the most damage, then followed by blink for the mobility. The items you get here are urn, treads SnY/Manta then Basher/Bkb.

                      The Kuroky build is kinda of washed up version of the BurNing build where you pretty much get the same skill build by lvl 6 then max out mana break for more damage vs heroes and creeps alike. You get treads, vlads, maelstrom and then see from there. The whole idea is that Maelstrom is a poor man's battlefury, in essence another farming item which builds into a decent dps item.

                      Regarding the orb interaction, lightning proc does not completely override mana break, it only overrides it when it procs and is not passed on to illusions (getting manta is still a good option). So the math goes like this, every 4th hit with AM you won't be dealing that 38 physical damage (considering you have lvl 4 manabreak) and will be dealing 150(?) magical damage, that's all.

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