General Discussion

General DiscussionLOL @ Vroksnak stack??

LOL @ Vroksnak stack?? in General Discussion

    like wtf, stop stackign with noobs (like that es, i dont know how you dont die of disgust)

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Wow they actually lost to that CK


        Idk how to reddit


          some top posts from reddit

          "God I hate this stack. They try to promote their shitty website at every opportunity, don't they realize how stupid and disingenuous that makes them look?
          Even now, they make a throwaway reddit account and post a screen shot of a fucking replay, click on an enemy hero as if it were them, and try to advertise their shitty website again. How shitty is that?
          Can the mods shadowban trendial advertising?"

          "I dunno, maybe stop spamming that shitty website?
          His account is 34minutes old
          The bounty player spams his website when a big streamer plays with him
          This is photoshopped because the guy has never had even close to that streak
          So fuck off OP"

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            LMAO call allison lose game
            GJ vrok

            the realm's delight
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                Tento komentář byl smazán

                  benao sf < my sf



                    bum farto

                      Looking at the game comments all the normal skill redditors have come crawling out. Its funny how many normal skill americans circle jerk their way around reddit. Needs more Europe.


                        its just 1 game alleizon chillup pls


                          actually i feel sorry you lost, i didnt expect you guys to lose... that was not the intent of the post :(




                              hah who cares we throwed, didnt expect them to comeback after we got full rax :D

                              the realm's delight

                                u know i had treads in stash if i sold them before i died i wouldve had bb x)


                                  Did that guy lose 95 win streak?

                                  the realm's delight



                                      Not that guy.

                                      Jay Ashborne

                                        I am sorries friends. :< that's some shit lol.


                                          Thought I'm a nice person, until I read the reddit comments.
                                          RIP Reputation.

                                          waku waku

                                            redditmods are so retarded, they don't let the faithful believers of EE-sama spread the word but they let this slip
                                            i think they're just jealous miserable little assholes

                                            bum farto
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                                                Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                  Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                    havoc find a better choice of words than downs. T_T zzzzz I expect better, however I don't disagree in the slightest.

                                                    waku waku

                                                      i think it's just that this forum sucks and filters swearwords so you can't refer to things the way they are

                                                      Jay Ashborne
                                                        Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                          N A Z I M O D S B O Y Z


                                                            I've seen Fadi a couple of teams on Bulldog/Waga stream and he seemed like a pretty chill guy


                                                              It's funny the amount of hate you can get from simply stacking on unranked

                                                              "omg look at this guy 96% winrate, must be autistic retarded abuser cheater ban pls"


                                                                did the mods really delete all these posts just because of that word? ROFL


                                                                  reddit is funnyh

                                                                  i love u butt

                                                                    i got banned for 7 days for using the N word in the "tell a joke" thread

                                                                    while others just got their post deleted?

                                                                    B I A S E D N A Z I M O D S


                                                                      we got posts deleted AND got banned

                                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                                        It's alright Allison. Mods are improving the forums by removing the people that actually help out the community right kappa.

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          Vrok, one of ur guys got snapped xaxax playing fucking slark


                                                                            oh yeah i remember this guy ^