General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you believe that you're only good as your best hero?

Do you believe that you're only good as your best hero? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    And that your MMR really represents your top 5 hero? and when you play your most unplayed hero your MMR would not be represented accurately? thoughts?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      of course not (is what i believe), people are free to think otherwise

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      GL HF

        Of course. If I'm a fantastic Chen, but a crap Shadow Shaman, my MMR will be higher when I continue to play the heroes I am good at.

        That sad, it's not a negative thing. Judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, and it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.'


          i do think this applies for a majority of the dota 2 community most people know only play a select pool of heroes well and feel comfortable with them my friend is 5k mmr and plays a killer puck but other heroes he plays like a 2k mmr player lol


            Imo you should have a few heroes from all roles that you feel comfortable with. No one forces you to know all supps, but out of 5 you should be able to play at least 1.


              my MMR increased from 4400 to 4915 when I spammed TA and when I realised I can't really play other heroes as well, then I started randoming and went down to 4200.
              Nowadays, I random in 1/3 of my games, 1/3 I play support because cores are instalocked, and the other 1/3 i get to play cores. I sit between 4600-4800 and don't have much improvement of MMR. Anyone knows what to do??


                im 4k with all of my heroes


                  vagikiss 742 you are funny guay
                  can tou teech me?

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                    People often don't realise how you improve with all the heroes without actually playing them. I think I have never played Warlock in my life, yet I think I'd make a decent Warlock mid because I know how it works, if I counterpick a TA I'm pretty sure I'd rape her mid (unless she's like way better than me)

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      I start to panic if I'm not mid and/or captain.


                        my meepo is 2k mmr :(


                          i dont believe that


                            No. I don't even know who's my best hero though, stats be damned.


                              not really, leshrac is kinda a crap hero nowadays ... .:( sadly


                                yep, i play like a 5k player with some heros

                                actually i'm 4.7


                                  Crystal Maiden is my best hero... ugh.

                                  Warding Legend boys

                                  But no... lol


                                    my dark seer still need to learn


                                      2k all