General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a Coach for our team!

Looking for a Coach for our team! in General Discussion

    hi guys,

    not expecting much here. we are looking for a coach at lease 1000 MMR above our team rank witch is 1409

    we are new to team games so we are looking for a free coach if possible

    thanks for looking



    Miracle`- Try this website and don't ask for coaches on this forum because there are only scrubs left


        he is looking for a free coach so any player above 4k can help their team at 1.4k

        that means u cant help kael so please stop

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          They are free coach don't you see the thread they made. People beg and get a free voucher


            yeah 1 lesson free? i guess this wont help too much a team of 5


              Negotiate or something. Go you coach him then


                And you guys are from same cyka country

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                THICC BABY SHUM

                  I'm 3500 and know a lot of stuff about dota, can help u out too.


                    well, i could but i dont want to promise him anything.. cause from monday and on i start college again so i will only be online or play 1 game per day

                    and im from Greece

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      Enjoy going college malaka


                        well we are all uk all got mics and we just need someone to send us off in the right direction, we want to get tournament ready for some armature tournaments this yea (2015) if we win any their will be SWAG!!!!


                          Ty kael malaka... i also enjoy juicy college chicks btw ;D


                          well u must 1st find everyones role on the game then the coach can see each ones lacks and help them improve


                            so no one wants to help :(


                              Feel free to add me. Im available in 2hrs

                              THICC BABY SHUM


                                POG U POG CHAMP

                                  Let megapenis coach u he has excelent english skills and is high skilled player


                                    megabennis=best coch


                                      i swear i told a guy last night here to add megapenis 6.4k coach and today morning he added him and told him " they told me to add you to coach me megapenis " and he was in the kitchen and he was laughing like a retard when he realized i told this guy to add him ggwp

                                      megapenis > all

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        i told him that megapinis is 6.4 XDD


                                          ^^ he got rekt today

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            like always, stuck at 1200 mmr


                                              i go eat some burgers, like always

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                yak fyyq eating bugers.


                                                  they are OP as fffffffffyyq

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    tell mega retard to check his steam

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      btw im using my friends acc he never played dota on it, he just gave me hes acc as it had bunch of games on it, and he got vac by cheating in cs LMAO
                                                      RLLY LONG TIME AGO

                                                      1 VAC ban(s) on record
                                                      2163 day(s) since last ban


                                                        im 2.1k mmr can i help u pls

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          always glad to help, ur in my friends so pm me anytime


                                                            if u aim for cm i can help u. my own mmr is quite shitty (2.5 solo, 3k party) but ive coached 2 teams at arnd 3-4k+ mmr(solo) for local and amateur online tourneys. ill be online in 3 hrs.

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven