General Discussion

General DiscussionEscaping Pudge's dismember

Escaping Pudge's dismember in General Discussion

    The frequency of Pudge appearing mid has made me pick mid lifestealer a lot. As soon as he hooks you, you press Q and dismember does not damage you. It's basically free farm for lifestealer.

    However, I wanted to know about heros like void, morphling, storm etc. with escape mechanisms that make you invulnerable during the use of their escape ability. If you're hooked, you will be dragged to pudge. If, during the course of this dragging action, you use ur ability of escape, for eg, time walk/waveform and click on a ground away from pudge, but at the same time in range for ability to instantaneously work, will you be able to escape before pudge can dismember you?

    The concept is, will dota "shift-queue" this command for itself, so that even if pudge uses dismember instantaneously on you, it will make ur escape come into effect first?

    waku waku

      it depends on the direction the heroes are facing, if you and pudge are facing each other and you try to escape in another direction it won't work


        ^ i see, and what about qop/am's blink? and nice account name lol


          just pick tide and when he ults you, you casually walk away, meanwhile he is still ulting air lmao

          Tiny Airlines

            Clockwerk can use battery assault on Pudge, and even if he casts dismember he'll be ministunned.


              Yes, biggest counters to pudge on middle are Lifestealer and Clockwerk.
              As soon as you're hooked use Battery, he won't be able to dismember you.

              (New updates made Hook damage you even if you use Rage, so just use rage after the Hook and you'll be fine if you're not under the tower)

              To kill pudge with lifestealer on mid, get a fast Orb of Venom.

              (Sout Shiled, Branch, Branch, OoV) (uses all starting gold, you don't need regen as lifestealer vs pudge)

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              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Hook has a mini-stun so it will cancel your order. If he casts ulti on you while you are flying you won't be able to get away, unless the spell has an instant cast time like Leap.