General Discussion

General DiscussionReligion 101

Religion 101 in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne


      what religion is this? so i can join.

      Make love, not flame

        It is time to start religious DotA team and report all infidels.

        Omni solo mid.

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        Jay Ashborne

          What about Zeus jungler. He is a god but a pagan god...

          Do we ban Warlock/Doom/Shadow demon/Shadow fiend/Nightstalker every game?

          Is techies 1 role carry good? I hear the whole blowing up yourself to kill the infidels is pretty popular....

          Eh... then we have to pick Chen every game.... Naw... fuck this


            This thread is gold.

            Quick maffs

              Careful with the anti-atheism circlejerk on the internet lately, it seems that all this time religion was all about peace and love guys .....

              Make love, not flame

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  I thought every religion was about violence and hatred... we just kinda ignore those parts

                  The Fault

                    All religions are about peace. But ppl make 'em to be violence and hatred. :/


                      ^you should read some religious texts.


                        Is this church of satan >.<


                          Religion is an excuse.

                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                            You bitches need Jesus.


                              I loathe organized religion.


                                Organized religion should be forbidden.

                                Mein Fuhrer

                                  Who is jesus??
                                  a new hero or something?