General Discussion



    fucking tired of that shitter ruining my games


      It may not look huge, but the cast range really seems like a good idea.




          Damage increased from 40/80/120/160 to 70/140/210/280.
          Pounce damage reduced from 70/140/210/280 to 60/120/180/240.
          Pounce damage reduced from 60/120/180/240 to 55/110/165/220.
          Pounce damage reduced from 55/110/165/220 to 50/100/150/200.
          IDK why I copied this.
          Well those nerfs are decent, but not very big. laning and Jungling's gonna be a bit harder. Jugg's going to get nerfed patch after patch because "pros" love overusing heroes until they turn to complete shit(again).


            Good news is that Troll is not as popular yet.


              One more useless nerf on pounce, hahaha :p

              When you think that all need to be done for slark, is revert of all change since the ult buff, and give ms/hp reg during ult even if seen

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                I hate these pounce nerfes...


                  CHRONO 300 MANA O MAI GAD


                    So... Void needs larger manapool now. That makes AgS core item, right?

                    Tiny Airlines

                      Finally they do something about Juggernaut.

                      Troll Warlord though, surprised no nerfs yet - he annihilates towers quickly now and does some serious damage.

                      King of Low Prio

                        he wasnt really nerfed much, jugg is OP because of his ridiculously low swing timer a concept that most newbs dont really understand.


                          Troll warlord doesnt need a nerf, he was just fixed and hes good now and people realised it, but hes not OP. Hes an easy gank to nuker.

                          Juggs nerf was indeed needed.

                          Void wont need that much of a bigger mana pool, i just think refresher will start to get more relevent with the mana regen. Imo void has to go double chrono vs alot of matchups anyway.

                          Slark is fine, he just slippery and people hate that.

                          King of Low Prio

                            "X-hero doesnt need a nerf, he was just fixed and hes good now and people realised it"

                            you realize this has been said about EVERY heroes since dota 1 days when they are OP


                              Well, in Troll's case, he actually received a bug fix.

                              Dire Wolf

                                I don't think this jugger nerf is good enough, it mainly nerfs his ult pickoff capability but that's just one playstyle. He still has shitloads of magic/dmg immunity and dmg and ridiculous starting dmg and BAT.


                                  eh. Jugg armor nerf is whatever... but the omni slash nerf is going to hurt, making it much harder to kill off escaping targets.

                                  Basically going to have to play jugg like even more of a boring rice carry, isnce all those times you would show up to omni are going to be more of a gamble.

                                  @matrice: you should know that icefrog nerfs the non core aspects of heros. pounce is slarks least defining ability, so he is nerfing it.

                                  @Timberwolf - Juggs magic damage is shit. Using bladefury past laning phase for damage is wasting magic immunity when you need it.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    Whenever Icefrog runs out of ideas for stupid nerfs on a hero's weaker abilities, he goes and nerfs armor, stats or whatever.

                                    1.8 BAT Slark incoming.


                                      ikcefrog should buff pounce and nerf dark pact instead (dmgwise)

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven


                                        he has produced the most balanced moba game with a consistently evolving but relatively stable meta. People give him way to much shit when really they are just crying about their favorite hero not being quite as good. And mobas are arguably the hardest games to balance well. Hell league takes the "make all the heroes the same" route and still can't balance their game.


                                          ^^ Well said @Concede

                                          whiskey waters

                                            useless patch completely. omnislash range wont change anything, its not like u wont be able to use it anymre ..
                                            the only chance is void ulti mana, its gonna be very fuckn anoyng


                                              i think you need to have a non mom ms item for him

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                I pref race car jugg anyway so nothing changes lol


                                                  Aghs on void is only gonna be more important than before if you are planning to get refresher, otherwise it's not much different.

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    dont forget about - 1 armor, that nerf killed a lot of heroes, wk and kotl used to be spamed none stop but the armor is real.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      it doesnt do much on agility heroes since they already gain more agility for armor and they tend to itemize towards it too.

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        the cast range nerf is good, from now on I cambo kill him before he ults me XD

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          "@Timberwolf - Juggs magic damage is shit. Using bladefury past laning phase for damage is wasting magic immunity when you need it."

                                                          I said he has shitloads of magic immunity as well as dmg immunity during his ult. I mean even if you can't kill someone with your ult you can bladefury, ult them, bladefury again and just keep running around and they can't touch you unless they have like abyssal. I was playing a fed tiny vs a way underfarmed jug and he just kited me entire time cus his bladefury cd so shot compared to my avalanche.