General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does Alchemist have a low win rate?

Why does Alchemist have a low win rate? in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    This is big question because Alchemist in my hands I've won 56% of games with him.

    Is it because people buy midas on him? Because I don't.


      Nerfed shit


        easy to kill without the bonus hp, regen doesnt help when he just blows up to crits


          he has like -300 armor, no stats gain and unless you have ultra freefarm you will lose.
          maybe thats why.

          i love u butt

            you haven't played him in two months, i don't get why you are even talking about this.

            the realm's delight

              cause he fucking sucks


                You average 370 gpm on Alchemist, you were carried, you only have 56% because of luck.

                Alchemist needs 30 minutes of free farm, average 800 gpm or higher, and hope that there isn't an AA on the enemy team.

                If Alchemist gets all of that, he might have a positive impact on the game.

                The nerf to his ultimate hurt him, but the biggest nerf to his early game was the nerf to his stun, it would hit a support for 50% of their health if it was max duration.


                  I think the winrate of a 1k mmr player with 27 games is definitely a signal that alchemist is very strong



                    Linda | DotaExchange

                      Because he doesn't win games


                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Because the hero is shit


                          i don't know


                            Easy to dodge stun, acid spray long cd, skilling passive early is being useless. Your team is 4v5 until 30min even then after that you start to fall off while other carries with slower farm gets better.


                              @Linda | DotaExchange
                              You answered any question that can be asked on this forum or reddit

                              Dire Wolf

                                Your win rate really isn't significant enough to ask why he sucks overall cus you're only 15-12 on him. Small sample. And your gpm on him is terrible, probably got carried without looking at all your specific games or else your losses are super bad ones which drag the gpm down.

                                Alch has terrible stat gain, lowest str gain of all str heroes and even about middle of the pack vs agi and int heroes, he has extremely low agi gain as well. So he basically depends completely on greed and his ult being up to do anything. His stun is very unreliable, just run around trees or out of los and then it sucks.

                                The only time alch wins games anymore is when he's up against super passive teams that let him free farm for 30 mins and then he goes and wrecks their whole base. If you lose to an alch it's generally your own fault.

                                Tiny Airlines

                                  Ok I can agree with that Timberwolf - Alchemist needs much better stat gain and some major buffs.


                                    There is only way to win with alchemist. Go mid or safe, farm like crazy and just end the game full sloted at 25 min and with 1000gpm. All other scenarios does not work.

                                    Tiny Airlines

                                      That's how I've always won with alch... except I didn't always go middle.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        always = 55%

                                        Jay Ashborne

                                          Because AA is in the meta.


                                            except he didn't always go middle, except he never had 1k gpm, except he never got 6 slotted... hmmm


                                              wow he actually never 6 slotted him.

                                              also he says he doesnt buy midas but he does



                                                because he is a bad hero and you (OP) have zero relevance on win rates.

                                                You are a normal skill player so deep into the trench that you have probably never seen the light of day. I'd be surprised if it wasn't permanently night in your dota games.

                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                  LOL CONCEDE


                                                    suddenly night stalker OP


                                                      harder to execute than majority of other heroes therefore noobs can't play him properly and lose


                                                        shadowblade cooldown nerf did really hurt the EZ mode alch.