General Discussion


[EU] RECRUITING 4-5.5K MMR MIDLANER FOR A TEAM in General Discussion

    Hey people! [uncle]blackwolf (team formelly known as FBSD (fire breathing space dwarfs)) leader talking here. Here is our old and new logo

    (uncle stands for ultra nice canadians losing everything)

    Recently we had some changes in FBSD roster because of some member inactivity/IRL reasons; our #4 support and #2 midlaner left the team. ATM i am reviewing dosens of replays sent by supports but we still need decent, calm midlaner (no one likes flamers; all team members are pretty chill guys so far).

    With some fresh blood to be recruited soon i figured it was nice idea to give clan a new name.

    HIS IS VERY IMPORTANT : we often are online at hour ranges 18-22 @utc +2 (typical free evening for working european) [from london timezone it should be 16-20hours] and team member should dedicate AT LEAST 3hrs/week for clan scrims in that 18-22hrs timeframe (or if whole clan is online, for example at saturday).

    Active participants of 4-5.5k mmr can add me on steam or leave posts here. Be sure to send 2-3 recent dotabuff game links of yourself midlaning for comparison and your solo mmr. I will review and compare participants; mmr doesnt matter much in comparing participant replays but if two participants will deem equal in skill, then one with higher mmr will be chosen. Also, i will do few 1v1 games with each participant to see if midlaner can beat me most of the time (i am pretty bad mid myself) and have a better feel of player skill.

    Team goals as of now would mainly be reaching 5k party mmr for everyone and improving together as a team. Once we have decent teamwork, some games in AND schedule everyone follows we can consider doing some in-houses or tourneys (but improving is no.1 priority) Thank you for your time!


      ... most participants so far were either not good enough or too cocky <still not great> to play with; some were just AFK in all those days. Anyone who deems himself good mid and preferably is ~4500mmr or more (but exeptions can happen; anyone can try) is invited.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        I'm not too cocky. I'm not 4500 MMR, and I never was. Highest MMR I had was 3900 MMR, and I got a proof for that.

        Had an smurf that was on 4.3k during last year, I gave it to my friend and he's playin' on that ACC using it as his main.

        Curently went on a big losing streaks, so I'm quite in low 3k range.

        All I ask is one chance, nothing more.

        Test me, play with me, lost couple of hours.

        If I'm not good for your team, just tell me, I'll be okay with that since I'm aware there's better player outhere.

        Let me know if I can add you so we can talk a bit more.


          I know you still want me Blackwolf..
          Current MMR is 4.6k now ;)