General Discussion

General DiscussionAttitude problems?

Attitude problems? in General Discussion

    It's literelly common sense stuff (to say the least - evident)


    most of db posts nowadays are complaints about shitty teammates and losing MMR.
    This month, I played much less than before; currently playing 2 games a day (rarely 3) and the game feels 150% more enjoyable (also maintained 60% ranked wr this month), noticed a much more positive attitude & less tilt.

    I think it's nearly impossible to have a shitty attitude if you realise it's just a game that you play for fun (even if you are playing ranked). Like I wonder why do you even play dota (e.g. Bogi) if you play 8 games a day and feel so shitty about it that you feel obliged to complain every 2/3 days complaining about your teammates.

    tl;dr: casual doto = best doto

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      atleast zelda stopped, i think Benao scared her off

      King of Low Prio

        zelda stopped but that YNIT loser keeps whining

        bum farto

          Agreed, looking at the a lot of the very very high rated people (expection of a few) most of them pace themselves and play a lot less or will play 1-2 rank on their mains then go normal games with friends on a smurf. This means you're quite fresh for when you solo queue and can play at your best and are more tolerable to team mates which can concede a win.

          While it's not much I have been playing a lot less than I used to, and playing some party non-ranked and having a good time, seems to work for me as well.


            Samson when did i whine?

            waku waku

              picking pudge all the time helps to ignore bad attitudes but unfortunately not everyone might think this way

              Dire Wolf

                yeah but you also don't improve much playing 1-2 a day unless you spam one hero all the time. Hard to get good at a hero. Overplaying is an issue but so is not playing enough.

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  ^ mbe he watches games or staff like that, or he just dsnt need to play 10 games to realize mistakes.


                    Nice to hear from you havoc.

                    @timber, I play dota not because I want to improve, I play it because its what I enjoy; improvement comes naturally. I disagree with the "x number of games must be played in a period of time" because: 1) I believe that Dota is complex conceptually not mechanically (unlike SC2) and 2) everyone moves at their own pace.

                    King of Low Prio

                      improvement does not come naturally

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        It comes as how fast u can find ur mistakes and not do them again, which is not calculated by how many games u play.




                            Ynit except most video games when player at the higher levels are based on how well a player can abuse everything the game gives him. For example you cannot learn creep aggro tricks even with 3000hours played unless you research the topic, there is not much said about creep aggro ingame and many creep aggro tricks are unknown even to 5k mmr players and they are one of the things which separates arteezy from a normal human.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              from the 5k games ppl play mbe 5% of games they learn something new expt start at 5k and higher mmr its rare that u learn something as you know most of the staff.
                              So if you pay attention and watch ur game and learn from it, you will be better then a guy who played 3 times of ur games.


                                I doubt any 4k midlane player read this shit, otherwise they wouldn't be 4k


                                There is stuff beyond comprehension of 4k or 5k players, you can't learn that naturally unless you test it yourself but that's waste of time and reinventing the circle. Instead seeking knowledge in the internet and then practicing how to apply it is probably shortest way to improvement.

                                Inb4 someone says I'm too bad to make above statement: yep I know I haven't practiced enough and I understand that I still have a lot to learn. I never said I'm good.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  I seen this build but was too lazy to read it all, will read it tonight. Even though I dont play mid but when i pick tiny.
                                  That guide focuses on ranged heroes though((

                                    Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                      Welp after the recent bounty changes there is no easy solution. You can't make a guide how to make nobody in your team die until game ends. Because you can't prevent that. Winning in 6.83 is basically being smart about your decision and pushing your advantage. Make sure enemy becomes paranoid of your activity. Get blink or shadow blade and kill squishies to disencourage them from farming own jungle. Farm it yourself and suck them dry then push.
                                      Matter of experience and practice. And sadly this requires coordination with your own team whereas enemy can always comeback even if they are all muted because of the pickoff gold and xp bounties. Its hard but managable.

                                      the realm's delight

                                        i got matched with that chaq guy 3 times in pubs hes fucking retarded and bad


                                          ^ LOL

                                          on topic: maybe it's just that I win more playing RU server because my ping on EUW is unplayable since new year - 150 while i get 30ms on Stockholm.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            i only play techie in ranked now and i win everygame

                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              I think I tried to comment on this once. Not sure.


                                                @Im the Bully of my School
                                                nice feed


                                                  i jsut received 3 reports for putting this song in the picking phase .. ppl have no humour :(


                                                  and this one at 6:45:


                                                    my music op i dont need no mic straight from cpu HD !!


                                                      nice im not muted!


                                                        i wonder what it's like to play with 30 ms ping, the absolute best ping i can get is 167 ms, 175-180 normally

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          oh no i am muted OMG


                                                            me 35 to 60 useast :d


                                                              probably by that musard called : CharlieHebdo #falseflag

                                                              what a !!


                                                                I had bad attitude before I have it good now at least last 2 months and I improved like 500 mmr, problem is I can`t even play because of low priority retarded system and guys who abandon games in last 4 days.


                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  It is complex mechanically though, you need to train your muscle memory and reaction time to master last hits and combos, map awareness etc. That only comes with playing, not just researching, reviewing matches. I'm not saying 15 games a day but 1-2, especially if you play different heroes all the time, is not enough to master the timing of their skills unless you're just excellent naturally in which case it doesn't matter either way. I think 4 or 5 games with the same hero a night for 3-4 nights is probably ideal. Not enough to burn out, but enough to retain that muscle memory.