General Discussion

General DiscussionI just suck bollocks with Enigma.

I just suck bollocks with Enigma. in General Discussion

    Enigma is one of the very few heroes that turn me into a 2k player.





          easy bro, go soulring, midas, then brown boots then ur other stuff
          end goal radiance




              Ayyy boys, I've made some progress tho, I'm playing enigma like a 3k+ now!




                  HotSalza Enigma in a nutshell:
                  "THERE ARE 4 OF THEM! BLACK HOLE!!!!!!"
                  "WE CAN WIN THE GAME IF YOU BLACK HOLE!!"
                  "don't care"
                  20 min later
                  *Hotsalza jumps in solo*
                  "Now I black hole."


                    one of the problems that a lot of players have with heroes like enigma/tide and shit, is that they think that their ultimate needs to be reserved for 4-5 man ultis. That isn't the case, early game you are perfectly fine using it on just 1-2 targets.

                    also don't look at my game with him lol, my team was so toxic I decided to just afk


                      Incorrect. Enigma should only use his ultimate when there are 5 heroes clumped up. This is assuming that he has an aghs + refresher with a Midnight Pulse already in the area these said heroes are in. BKB is not as necessary as people say because you should only go for 5 man blackholes, meaning that they can't stun you. Early game you should skip blackhole for stats, save 3 levels and once you finish your refresher, level up blackhole.

                      If team criticizes you, simply blackhole them.

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                      Sup m8

                        HotSalzas guide on how to get 16 low prio games.



                          the game Hotsalza blackholed a team mate for saying he never uses blackhole.... really not sure how we won

                          Dire Wolf

                            I hate enigma too, black hole range is so awful and actually using the edliions in a fight and still getting all your shit off is rough. Tide is 10x easier.


                              Looks like it's been a rough time playing Enigma for you so far, I recommend prioritizing stats over your ultimate.


                                Hahaha, 3 or 4 out of those 6 games I had like 400 ping and 10% packet loss because my brother was downloading something, and I just sucked, but I didn't give up, and I can say now that I'm a decent 4.4k player that can play enigma for like a 3.6k game haha :D

                                (lag wasnt the main problem)

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                                  And btw, thanks for all the silly posts, I really like this topic.

                                  (sry for double post)