General Discussion

General DiscussionChallenge: Ultimate politeness

Challenge: Ultimate politeness in General Discussion
Make love, not flame

    ######### Polite support #########

    You have to play 10 games being supportive and stopping flame at all means.

    1. You start every game by saying. "my friends, hello! I support you, we win"
    2. You pick support hero that fits the team or more universal one if you firstpick.
    3. Buy wards, chick, give tangoes to mid, up chick...
    4. Be extremly supportive during game, saying "wow, gj" if your team gets fb or "it's ok, we fix my friend" if someone gets killed.
    5. Never lose your spirit, try to make your team laugh not flame. Focus on minimap a lot to warn or coordinate your teammates.

    Report here after 10 games how much MMR you gained/lost.

    I'm always quite behaved, but not such extreme. Let's see how it goes!


      id rather die from cancer than be nice to fucktards in pub games


        doing the same except I am abusing jugger :D
        edit: i am the cancer

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        Make love, not flame

          ^^ you'd be surprised how those "fucktards" turn up when you are ridiculously nice. They never felt love in their life and if you give them some in Doto, their performance doubles. :)

          ^nice wins on that jugger my friend, I give you tangoes

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            so if my offlane died 7 times in 5 mins offlane

            if i give them some love they die 14 times in 5 mins ?

            Make love, not flame

              ^no my friend, they stop dieing! I dare you to try it.

              edit: I'm not going to go in details about it, but simply put: performance and focus on game will get way better with good mood and supportive behaviour.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                i think il stay with my

                ignore every retard in my team

                pick heroes that can have good performance at all staes of the game

                win my games solo and maintain my 65% winrate doing so


                  sorry to break it down for you, but thats not how you play support

                  being polite doesnt have anything with playing support. buying some starting wards or chicken doesnt make you play good support, either. its probably hardest role in the game and if you dont learn how to play support you will not win games.






                  Make love, not flame


                    Sorry to break it for you. This thread is not about how to support, but about being too polite on purpose and seeing the difference in behaviour.

                    I am not giving here tips on how to support nor asking for them. I'm satisfied, got extra +1500 mmr by playing support to this moment, though I'm miles from being really good. You missed the point a bit.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      I'd rather mute my chat & go full autist mode
                      still being nice to your teammate increases considerably your winning rate

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                          I did what OP some time ago. It was horrible. They fed harder.

                          It's much more productive to force feed kills to my useless cores.

                          the realm's delight

                            this thread=)


                              what if your carry is some kind of dumbass who goes full yolo when he's godlike & proceed to throw the game ?
                              can't say anything else but >Well played !

                              Make love, not flame

                                ^keklol, yes that sadly happens sometimes. You make your team think that we are too awesome and cannot lose. check graph :/


                                  Sup m8

                                    ^how to have a fun game

                                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                      if u said that in game i would probably think you were a pretentious cun t


                                        King of Low Prio

                                          I have dropped about 9 wards in my lifetime and I dont plan on hitting double digits anytime soon


                                            cuz ur a nig­ger
                                            that's simple as that XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
                                            just like stealing bikes, u aren't planning on stopping

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              lol you jumped on a alt to say that. I find it funny when you are so scared you not only hide behind the internet but you hide behind the internet behind a alt.

                                              talk to me when your balls drop lil boy


                                                hide? XDDDDDdddd I just happened to be on this account u garbage downie. Oh no u took this so personal, what u gonna do now? go cry in ur watermellon juice bath?



                                                    What do you say if your teammate stupidly dives a tower and then yells at you for not dying with him?


                                                      idi naxuy cyka

                                                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                        Make love, not flame

                                                          3.14159265358979 - I tell him "it's ok you make mistake friend, I still support you". Over few first minutes mood of your teammates will dramatically change and you will profit. (+25)

                                                          Offtopic: don't max Q on venge.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            ^ usually the situation when a teammate dives tower stupidly in SEA, you get blamed for his death whether you followed him in his suicide dive or not.

                                                            I have no issues with player skills even if they're bad (like if I ask them to b coz heroes are missing on the map, and they died after not listening I wouldn't flame them. I'm nice enough to just tell them to be more careful next time), but it's really their attitude that kills you.
                                                            Eg. getting caught out alone in the map because he's still farming away when enemy heroes are missing and then blaming his death on you for "not being there in the map" when you asked him to b.

                                                            Granted I don't meet them every game, but when I do it's impossible to be nice to them even if I want to because the problem is innate in them ...

                                                            Make love, not flame

                                                              My friends, reporting after 11 extreme games. Extreme in my kind behaviour. 8won-3lost and around 5 commends mostly friendly:D, last game won even our alche gave other team 2 rapiers on purpose <3

                                                              try being super nice

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                Lol I just happen to be casually hiding on a alt account how amusing


                                                                  only nig­gers get mad for being called ni­ggers XDXDXDXD
                                                                  typical nig­ger :DFDFDFDFDFDDdddDEDdddDDDd