General Discussion

General DiscussionZenoth posted this

Zenoth posted this in General Discussion

    considering the cutoff for very high to be around 3.8k, we can actually reasonably expect that if you are 4k and above you are comfortably in the top 10% of players.

    then again this is confounded by the difference between top 10% of games played and top 10% of players - the two are not directly equivalent. not sure how you can work this out.

    Tento komentář byl upraven
    whiskey waters

      and you post this here for ..?


        zenoth i just wanted to tell u that SEA is probably the worst fucking server i've played on in the past month because my safelane got hijacked by 4k mmr trash in every single game i've played

        (btw i can't go mid cuz of lag)

        why does that never happen to u in ranked


          let me quote my friend who just hit 6k

          "people ask me how I always get mid
          [ALLIES] Kappa: say uyr mmr
          [ALLIES] Kappa: if u higher i let u
          [ALLIES] MONSTER: 5.9k
          [ALLIES] Kappa: fuck u
          [ALLIES] MONSTER: can add me to see
          [ALLIES] Franky Sama: 8k
          [ALLIES] MONSTER: no joke
          [ALLIES] MONSTER: I add you now?
          [ALLIES] Kappa: add lor
          [ALLIES] Franky Sama: slark incoming
          [ALLIES] Franky Sama: haha
          [ALLIES] Kappa: u add
          [ALLIES] MONSTER: added
          [ALLIES] Kappa: ok
          [ALLIES] Kappa: u go
          [ALLIES] Kappa: im 5.4
          [ALLIES] Kappa: ROFL

          BIG FAT DUCK



              wat do when u 4k and wanna mid??????????????????????????????????


                ^you get good


                  i played 1 game on SEA and I will never go back there again. I must have been lagging so it searched for SEA instead of AUS, I assumed it was something fucky with my net causing my lag. Quite quickly I realised I wasn't in AUS, because there was flaming from the first minute. techies (screaming I WILL NOT SUPPORT PINOY, no idea who he is talking to from the start, when I asked if he could buy chick) and huskar safelane, pudge offlane and feeder sniper mid.

                  nobody on my team did anything the entire game, well they did talk, I'd give them that. Pudge kept saying that everything was my fault or whatever, and sk on the other team was like nah man, your team is good my team is bad. SEA = talk more than play. I mean I talk a fair amount of shit in here, but in most games I'm pretty quite..but these guys are just ridiculous. Talk a lot and can't play for shit. I guess this is why people play in stacks all the time, so that they don't have to deal with such maggots

                  BIG FAT DUCK

                    It's really weird cuz every time I watched Zenoth play solo (back when terrorblade was really broken) he managed to get his hero of choice most of the time.

                    I tell my team "5.4k safelane" at load screen and they still proceed to pick whatever they want and I"m pretty sure Zenoth was 5.4k-5.6k at the time as well. The MMR distribution hasn't changed much for SEA.

                    I don't know if it's because of hidden pool or something but all the fucktards are on my team.

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                    artschool enthusiast

                      How many times do I have to tell you that all you need to do is first pick your hero and highlight your lane?

                      BIG FAT DUCK

                        my fingers too slow rofl


                          when someone firstpicks and marks mid

                          i pick tiny and toss them into tower or i tell them to other lane

                          only happend couple times so far but they always leave after few deaths