General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you stop juggernaut nowadays?

how do you stop juggernaut nowadays? in General Discussion

    so i didnt played dota for about 2-3 weeks and suddenly juggernaut is being picked in every game.

    what happened? how do you stop him nowadays?

    have tried both DK and Razor and was successful

    - DK can tank his omnislashes like a boss but juggernaut can still kill your allies easily..
    - Razor aggressive tri-lane to shut him down during laning phase and kinda snow ball from there...

    people say axe also counters him.. can share your experiences?


      yeah axe


        Tanky Heroes > High Armor > <DAzzle> <Oracle (Don't play this shit if you're muted holy shit) etc

        Jesse Lee Peterson

          go storm, or quop. fast orchid, he cant jump u and he doesnt do shit if u silence him before he has manta, bkb or diffusal

          Dire Wolf

            Storm and bat cus they can lock him down til he dies. Jug's kinda squishy if he cant cast, all his survivability comes from being magic immune during blade fury, untargetable during ult and his healing ward so if he can't cast he's toast.

            Riki and doom also work ok.


              by not feeding him


                Beastmaster is a good one. Hero almost fully ignores magic immunity, hawks and boars take omnislash hits. Roar, boar, cry some moar




                    Well I saw Chen can help counter him by bringing 4 creeps to take omnislash damage


                      Chen dies from one omni slash hit though.

                      Fucking stuns and silence, thats how you kill that kunt.


                        Ghost scepter still works miracles.

                        Anonymous mode- No chat

                          Ghost countered by diffusal . Euls is better against his ulti. Plus you walk faster xD


                            @C9:DD Haha, yeah screw yourself.

                            Ominknight is king of all counter's to Juggernaut. That, or till people realize that Invoker's Tornado dispels Guardian Angel


                              "Ghost countered by diffusal . Euls is better against his ulti. Plus you walk faster xD"
                              Yay for an item built by not even 0.5% of juggs? Not to mention diffusal is dramatically more expensive than ghost scepter so you should be able to see him building it and compensate for it. The standard go-to is still ghost scepter.

                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                u can purge eul
                                are u actually using item build stats as an argument? xD

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                                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                    dont think its possible for jugg to lose to any melee lane matchup baring ursa and max shift slark


                                      Juggernaut lost in last 4 games when I met him. In fifth game he won, but he had the lowest hero damage of all 10 heroes.

                                      So, the point is... There are more and more low skilled Juggernauts around. It's like a natural counter to any popular hero. =)


                                        you pick him yourself kappa

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