General Discussion

General Discussionsomething that i notice in this matching system

something that i notice in this matching system in General Discussion

    hey every-time i win my team are all 50%+ winrate everytime i lose my team are 50%- winrate team game are premeditated

    hope valve fix this pub rpoblem (i am noob dont feed me)


      i actually noticed this too

      whenever i win like 5-10 games in a row on solo que

      i start getting people with 3+ lose streaks in my team and game quality goes down dramaticly (as in i actually manage to lose games)

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        enjoy dota 2 valve !


          and when i want to progress and you get in team in a row for lose streack they tell you are noob u cant get to 4k...

          from 2.4 i got 3.1 i can run to 4 but teammates are always there to destroy your game

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            If you play roulette and got RED 10 times in a row, this doesn't mean that next will be BLACK with 100% chance. It is the same with win/lose streaks. Your chances to win or lose next game are always the same, no matter what your current streak is.


              not sure .....i got 2k games and next game i got someone with 48 games... vs people with 3k,4k games this system of matching is epic fail big shit!


                dude you are so fucking bad its hilarious.

                One of the things that I have noticed is that people who suck balls (I know I still suck btw) seem to get some kind of confidence from playing well occasionally - and completely forget that they are playing absolute retards. Its like a 7 year old playing ok in a pee wee league and then talking as though he could play at the top level if his team weren't holding him back.

                Lets get one thing straight, you are awful. For someone who has put that many hours into the game, it takes a special kind of idiot to still be in normal skill. Anyone that says something like this "from 2.4 i got 3.1 i can run to 4 but teammates are always there to destroy your game" is someone that just can't accept that they aren't good enough.

                Unlike Kael - who still sucks and is no where near as good as he thinks, he actually stomps his normal bracket games and is clearly better than his current rating (but no where near as high as he thinks, as I said earlier) and his stats show that too. You frequently have poor performances, and there is nothing to suggest that you should be higher.

                There can be a struggle at higher MMRs because of match making, if you watch some of the 6-7k players, they frequently get into games with 4k teams against 5ks, which can be pretty damn tough, and cannot be compared to two teams where everyone falls within a 500 or so MMR range.

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  But OP, your own win rate is sub 50%.


                    Ranked MM 483


                      bogi confirmed profesional death match player ?