Don't suck
Pick high impact heroes
Don't listen to havoc, dd or bogi.
ignore 4k trash
Get a pool of flexible heroes you know that can play any role. Best is you master a role. I started at 3.9K and steamrolled to 4.5k by raping enemies to the ground using zeus during my first half of year. From 4.5k on, the players were able to handle my zeus pretty well, so I had to rely on a carry which I usually found to be entirely luck-based on whether they're good.
From there I switched to Sven as my main role (usually carry) and steam-rolled to 5.3K today in the next half of year. Used him cuz HE MANLY. (and flexible in role, plus can snowball pretty fast using cleave)
pick high impact heroes
watch ur team pick high impact heroes too
lose laning stage cuz lack of impact and shit
lose mid game cuz too much cores and not enuff farm
game over -25
I've found the easiest way to getting 5k is playing mid or offlane. Safelane is fine but it's not very high impact early game, and often times there's a pretty big skill variance among 4k players (they're still garbage, but some are better than others) so your 4.5k mid might feed their 4.5k mid whereas every time I lane against them I get a free lane unless I get camped by supports.
Alternatively, you can just get good and not try to find a shortcut to what is arguably an unchallenging benchmark.
Pro psaní komentáře se přihlaste.
1) Play Support (To prevent conflicts and rage quitters in your team if they dun mid/carry)
2) Do not blame your team even if they feed real bad (Internal conflicts usually lead to low morale / rage quitters / 322 )
3) If no lane control during early game, just start smoke ganking as 4 or 5 and down as many towers as possible.
For other 5k MMR players, feel free to leave your advises below.