General Discussion

General DiscussionNice plus upgrade (seeing which lane heroes were in)

Nice plus upgrade (seeing which lane heroes were in) in General Discussion

    Any plans to let you filter by lane/see winrate by lane etc now?


      Can I see a screenshot of this? How does it work?


        Yes :)

        Right now it is in beta. We're listening for feedback on any issues with it. Plan on adding aggregates for hero winrates based on the lane they were in and side (Dire/Radiant) they were on.

        We also added a beta version of Ward location if you check out the vision log you can see where wards were placed during the game. We're aware of some minor issues with placement, but it should be pretty close to the exact location most of the time.

        Edit: forgot to mention there is also a ward bug with passing off wards at the start of the game. It gets reported as placing the ward, which is incorrect. We know how to fix it and are working on the issue.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Check any esports match for an example:

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Really cool actually, let's you know which player played which role as teams these days tend to change them a lot.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Plus is too fucking cool.
              Do something about forums mods as well.
              Love this site!