General Discussion

General DiscussionI feel like Morphling sucks.

I feel like Morphling sucks. in General Discussion

    I'm probably wrong but can someone explain to me his use? Deceptively weak laner, good farm ability but not good enough compared to other farm intensive heroes such SF and AM, not super-strong late game either.

    Maybe he was just bad against the lineup last game. I dunno.



      *I mean carry Morphling.


        What do you mean not super strong late game? He blows up supports, and can manfight heroes with his ridiculous armor and 300+ damage with ridiculous attack speed. His illusions are strong as shit as well.
        Also, he splitpushes very well, that's one of his strengths. Very hard to gank him because of strength morph.

        Deport the niqqers and dz...

          Morphling is very strong late game against right clickers and squishy supports because of how people usually build him (high armor, high dmg and attack speed and the slow from skadi). His main problems are the usual weak laning phase and not having flash farming potential.

          Dire Wolf

            The reason you think he doesnt have good enough farm ability is because people suck at farming with him. He actually farms very fast with his ult, people just don't know how to use it, myself included.


              ^ What Skolder said, pretty much elaborates why morphling a pretty bad 1st position carry pick for the current meta. (along with TB, Naga, any hero that is practically a non-factor for the first 20 mins of the game)

              It seems many teams are in favor of carries that have some impact early and can perform multiple roles with farm, usually any two of the below:

              1. Physical DPS.
              2. Magical DPS.
              3. Siege DPS.

              Which is why heroes like lycan, jugg, SF, are favorite picks... for now or AM who probably has the most accessible and one of the best flash farming abilities (travel time = gold)

              Just my 2 cents.

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                Morphling weak laner? :huh: :facepalm:

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                    ^ eh. Its all about comparative farming speed. I'd pick AM over morph anyday.


                      mom morph is pretty fun and farms pretty fast

                      just came back against 5.5k stack with 17k gold deficit and 5/6 raxxes down


                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      Deport the niqqers and dz...

                        @C9.DD, he is rather weak in lane due to his low range and low movement speed, he's not as good at zoning out a lot of heroes like a ...jug let's say who can be deadly if he gets too close to you. He's not like an AM who can burn your mana away forcing you to play more cautious due to possible ganks which can not be avoided if you don't have mana for your escape skill.

                        Deport the niqqers and dz...

                          @Zenoth, from now on, I crown you king of madness. You seem to go mom on a lot of heroes :P


                            Start team fight in strg form if they ini on you so you have huge stun duration, then as the fight extend and ennemys abilities are in cds, morph all agi and right click the shit out of em.


                            EDIT: I dont think the shotgun build is good enough as the game extends, It leaves you on low hp so its easy to get killed if stunned.

                            People needs to know when to morph all agi, if you watch my replay my second death happened because i got cocky and went all agi then ate a boat in the fast + tidebreaker cleave. Then i morphed all strg to soak up the dmg then started morphing to agi so i could hit like a truck.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              you can dissasemble ethereal. can help.


                                i have maintained for a long time that morph is the most challenging carry to play. One of true late game monsters, he requires far more finesse than Medusa who can almost A-click and sometimes press R or Spectre where you can cycle through the haunt illus and wipe supports.

                                You first have to treat mana like health (similar to medusa). Over morphing one way or the other can cripple your ability to fight. Running out of mana means you are probably done with the fight unless you are super far ahead.

                                Remember that replicate is like a reverse ck ult. The replicate does 50% damage, higher than all other illus besides ck ult and TB max level illu (i guess aghs DS wall goes here too). The replicate also takes no more damage than the original hero! Have a centaur on your team? Now they take twice the return damage or your escape is super tanky (depending on how you decide to use it). Enemy team has PA? Congrats you have a illu with crit and evasion they cant deal with. With a replicate up, you can yolo splitpush reallyhard b/c you can morph through stuns. This is how you farm fast on morph.

                                Morph can get really bullied in the safelane by heroes like centaur or timber, but is a shockly strong mid bc waveform is a great form of wave clear. You can finish a wave with waveform (hopefully hitting the enemy mid too), and the go refill your bottle. I get bottle always on morph to help with fountain regen when coming back from full STR after an escape.

                                Itemwise, don't blind rush linkens or eblade. Sometimes you need a manta to dispel silence. Sometimes you just need a skadi so you can live on full agi. Sometimes a satanic is good if the fights are long. Think before you buy.

                                Not an easy hero, but very potent


                                  I think more people need to consider bkb over linken's on him and know which to build when. He has good enough mana regen with aquila + bottle anyway.

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    just take stats and morph and ezy win


                                      @Steror You're 100% correct. I should have brought that up. Buying bkb on morph is kind of like bkb on tiny, nearly impossible to kill with bkb up without bkb piercing disable or damage (ie Doom counters all).


                                        support morph for 4 second stun is insanely powerfull imo

                                        definetly not as a core tho


                                          Support morph does not work. It's been tried (at both high and low levels), and it just doesn't work.

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                                              nah supp morphling is garbage. people are like oooh 4 second stun!
                                              -useless in the lane
                                              -extremely weak until level 7
                                              -no real nuke either until later
                                              -only late game presence in addition to his stun is replicate, but nothing that really threatens a BKB target

                                              Compare him to other supports who are either beasts right from the first few levels, have some crazy auras/debuffs and even crazy ultimates that can control team fights. Personally I just can't ever see a morphling supp being better than someone like Lion who is crazy good from level 1 with his huge range + base damage and a long disable, and gets another disable at level 2. His ulti at 6 means he can even solo kill most heroes, especially if they aren't full HP

                                              but back on topic..yeah I can't play morph properly either, but you definitely need to be able to farm with him, and most games you can start split pushing pretty early and cause huge problems for the enemy team because you can dive heroes really easily and they are forced to rotate a few to push you out, and you can just replicate and boom you are back on the other side of the map. Don't worry THAT much about e-blade. I mean its a fantastic item, but a lot of people are buying it without really considering where the game is at. No point in taking that pick off against a random supp when the enemy carry will just fuck you sideways afterwards, and you can still completely shit on most supports anyway with a simple waveform + stun + a few hits (you hit damn hard).

                                              if you want to learn how to play morph, watch someone like alohadance