General Discussion

General Discussion[Help me pls] Teach me how to up Very high skill

[Help me pls] Teach me how to up Very high skill in General Discussion
C h ấ m ?

    I've played 681 games, my level is 82 and my rank is 2681 mmr. I specialize in playing on the support. After a while, I felt my ranking is too low and I want to create a new account. And I know dota2 ratings calculated from the first game. So I tried to be Very High Skill games. But I can not be classified as Very High Skill after each battle though KDA and EXP / MIN GOLD / MIN my very high. In the new account I usually play hard carry position. Some of my friends say I should play Zeus. OK! I play Zeus. KDA HERO DAME EXP GOLD / MIN highly ranked, but also normal. I tried very hard but also stop at HIGH SKILL. Can you teach me how to up VERY HIGH SKILL?
    I use english pretty bad so I use google trans. If my grammar, I'm sorry! Thank you!


      Your approach is wrong. Youre trying very hard to appeal to the system, where instead you should be focusing on improving yourself. Even if you calibrate atk 2k mmr, you can climb if youre good enough. Even if system "mistakenly" places you in normal skill bracket or high skill bracket, it DOESNT matter. as long as youre good you can and will carry games consistently.

      I dont understand whats the point of making a smurf. People who make a smurf to try and get higher MMR and then are disappointed because in fact they arent good enough to reach high MMR with it SIMPLY because of your attitude (im the best and dont need to learn anything at all) are pathetic.

      let me elaborate

      You have to improve EVERYTHING.

      Dont assume youre good. You're actually shit, I am actually shit. Just like all players. 2k or 7k mmr, we ALL make mistakes. We all can improve a lot of things. Won't get better without acknowledging that you need to improve.

      lasthitting, farming patterns, controlling creep aggro, stacking, pulling, decision making, checking other people's items and predicting their movement around map, ward spots, map awareness, roshan/aegis/fortify timers, big skill (ultimate) timers, tread switching, using magick stick when needed, managing mana, estimating mana cost of combos, communicating with your team, less flaming, less all chat, more focus, item builds, skill builds, range of spells and items, manta dodging projectiles, blink dodging threats... etc

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        stop being bad
        be good

        and u will get to very high

        casual gamer

          if u think u need to smurf to get out of 2k, thats ur first clue that ur actually very very bad

          C h ấ m ?

            ty @Dravic @throwinglikeee-sama
            I have seen many streams and replays of the game to improve themselves. I also learned how to count very much like handling the situation. I am a longtime player dota1. But I still do not understand why I was not able to very high skill

            C h ấ m ?

              @JDF8: I played 681 matches in support positions. I do not carry ks. So KDA and GOLD EXP / MIN my very low. I wanna out 2k mrr. Carry dont know last hit. so fuckiin bad

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                I dont know how to get to very high, Im not very high myself, but I believe in you. Once, when i played only support (well, i play mostly support anyways) i found myself in a situation, when i didnt farm at all. A support needs items too, even if just the basic ones.


                  I'm am unranked 1.9k scrub and yet im able to do well in "High skill" games. Apparently this is 3.2k-3.7, but holy shit the only difference I see is that they farm better and go decent items.


                    All you have to do is win games until you get 3700+ mmr.

                    King of Low Prio

                      @Da'Nu Illuminati <3 TS <3

                      that is because you are not good enough to notice a difference, hence why you are in the deepest trenches of dota 2 MM


                        dravic was 2.4k on Jul 2014, now he's 5.5k ( what i see from the mmrtoplist link he posted )
                        try your best to improve in you will be fine dude :)


                          Dude, with those KDA's and amount of deaths in normal skill bracket, you wont see very high skill in a long long time. Even a 3.7k player would easily win most of the games at 2.7k, trust me on that one. You have to improve in every single area, cause even with a bit better positioning, you can easily kill those kind of players with ease even as a support.

                          C h ấ m ?

                            ty all !
                            @1234: now, i'm playing hard carry. My KDA, GOLD EXP/ MIN very good.

                            C h ấ m ?

                              But sever SEA so hard with me. All player pick carry. No one play support.


                                u seem like megapenis vol 2 lol

                                PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                  Don't give too many shits about kda, gpm xpm....
                                  I know too many people who have a kda between 1-2 on almost all their heroes but sitting at 5k mmr.
                                  Winning games is the most important


                                    The game is ungreatful for support players. Go try Carry and increase your kda