be careful, for sandboxing you get put into the hidden pool so you only play with feeders and afkers
You mean the weird ass hidden pool wave was walking about on joindota?
If yes, i think sano is right about that when i am looking at my tardmates i had the past 3 months.
yes he is correct, it's more like a punishment pool where u get matched with people who get reported frequently (or get rated low stars)
so basically if u dont suck ur teammates dicks and do anything to make them feel like snowflakes you get put into games where ur team is full of trolls/feeders/autistic tards/griefers/etc.
i wouldn't be surprised if blunt was in it cuz i mute my team from beginning to end and i still get reported for comm abuse (????), not sure what blunt says in his games but i assume he's not the courteous type :>
Blunt actually doesnt flame a lot, neither do feed so he's not the cancerous type of player. He's actually a weird, but funny dude.
Ah then there's another pool than regular and hidden pool.
Read about a Valve employee talking about a pool you would get to if you trashtalk a lot/get reported a lot which lasts 2months.
I guess it's more like you have priority to get matched with other highly reported players.
nope, the hidden pool flechter was refering to is the 'shadow ban' pool. You only get into that shadowban pool for 2months if you attempted abuse. If you did it to an extreme level you get perm shadow banned like chris did.
Not permanent, months vary.
I know a lot of chinese players that have been put there that have gotten out.
However I do know Chris and a semi-pro who I will not name are still stuck there, however they were the early players to get put there so it could be that.
But the nature of your exploits don't matter. Chris just messed with his party rating whilst the chinese would gain 1000 mmr soloq and still get out 6 months later.
Wat? Van art is semi pro?
But to the thing you said, i heard the same, some people got out after 4 months or 6 months. They were abusers tho, they also recieved a MMR reset. Most people in the shadow pool are only there for 2 days. I played a game with a stack that played shadow pool because apparently a guy and his wife queued together. It seems to happen to them a couple of times.
i was thinking to tell u about that but i forgot that u login doto with the bot.. i thought u only logged steam..
well dont touch dota for 3 days its 3 days i think not 2
the shadow pools for communication abuse aren't permanent. Its just hard to get out of them. Play well quietly or play bot games and you will escape them.
The shadow pools for abusing sandboxie or bots etc are much more severe.
if u get shadowbanned for sandboxie ( multiple clients) u shouldnt even login to doto for 2-3 days for the shadowban to leave.
ive been in this situation with 2 accounts i sold on summer.
just play with other acc or go play other game.
@FyyQ, so i am not even allowed to login to doto????????
wtf is this shit. Volvo pls.
I want to know if you know it 100% or if it's just a theory.
but just dont login on doto.. dont play bot games.. let doto to chill for 2 days then go search game and see if ban is gone if u search forever just logout and try after 24hrs
Nah, you can play in the banned pool for two days. You'll still leave after two days unless it shows that you are still abusing by feeding with other acc in banned pool ranked instead.
Van-Art was banned and got unbanned, sure but I am not talking about him.
Also that guy playing with his wife is called Director and he will still be in that pool since he has to play with a virtualVM aswell on one computer because he doesn't have the money for two comps.
Again, it takes a long time. In my observations it seems that people that got banned after the developer announcing the "2 months" period have been getting out after 6-8 months and in some cases 3 months by pleading on the forum like 7k mmr player Montano (he dodged too much which is essentially abuse by choosing your opponents to win). The mmr does get reset though, but not to 3k.
People before that period, such as Chris has their bans on perma (?). He's been there the longest, around early March.
I'm out of the pool but it took 2 days and 10 hours.
weird part tho, my main is out of the pool but my BOT still isn't. dafuq?
try harder smurf of a smurf account. What do u do? play when ur muted/lpq on your other smurf? I see u play like once every 10 days.
If your bot doesn't get out tomorrow, then it's permabanned.
Very common for the smurf to get banned hence why some people can get 20-30 wins on their main from abusing and drop the smurf when its banned for a new one.
The bot doesn't have a single game, how does that even make sense?
Also which is interesting, does that mean shadowban last either 2-3 days or are permanent? Didn't you claim they were like 4months or something and not permanent?
"Running two instances of DotA 2 per customer is prohibited."
It doesn't matter. Also think of it as permaban, you really don't know if you will be unbanned or not.
Well, it's not like it matters since the bot isn't meant to be played on anyways but it's still weird.
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Apparently if my dotobuff bot is checking mmr while i play game i get shadowban for running multiple instances of doto.
2 days no doto.
FUCKING VOLVO. Looks like i need to put my bot on a rootserver or something ~.~