General Discussion

General DiscussionAXE PICKERS PLEASE

AXE PICKERS PLEASE in General Discussion

    go die


      where is kappa?


        hes reformed i believe

        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN


          the realm's delight

            i agree


              kuchiyose, HAVOC!


                i agree
                bullshit hero

                Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                  Heroes that shit axe early game:
                  + = good
                  ++ = really good



                    I will enjoy shitting on you with my new ram set.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Ah, the typical MOBA community. First they will complain about a hero being shit. Then he will get buffed, but people still proclaim that he is useless. Then pros start using him, and even though no changes get made at all, people now will say the hero is OP because he did well at pro games. Then he will get nerfed and most of the time GET WORSE than his first state, but he will still be considered OP because "trends". After some time though it will be forgotten and it will be considered shit again.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        @TripleSteal- ayyyy lmao


                          mi god triplesteal
                          are u infected by megapenis? k


                            megapenis es mi pastor


                              I agree with Sam but I also think Axe is extremely strong at the moment. He wasn't popular before because people are stupid, he has always been strong.

                              the realm's delight

                                i said axe is op since always lol not when pros used him


                                  Alleizon of doterbuff keep hatin' axes

                                  haters making axe famous Glory boyyy


                                    the problem with heroes that are strong in the patch is that people who dont know how to play it (which is really sad considering its fucking axe of all heroes) start picking it and then miss half their calls, dont know how to itemize, basically end up being a liability

                                    if people just stuck to heroes that are a bit less strong but they know how to play it, games would be a lot better

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      You have a hate against the hero then, has nothing to with your top heroes :horse:


                                        used to hate on Axe long before DAC
                                        *puts on hipster glasses*


                                          i have nothing against the hero seeing as i play it myself but this flavor of the month shit is really annoying

                                          ppl literally have no clue what to do on the hero which is pretty sad given its axe

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            @op you've made one about axe and another about meepo
                                            if you wanna make a thread about troll now is the time

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              People having no clue how to play axe is still about 10x more effective than someone who doesn't have a clue how to play a ton of other heros.

                                              Side note I'm about to be an axe, jugg, troll, pa picked had enough of winning games only to lose to a semi farmed one of those heros with a bkb.


                                                ^ the thing is people actually do know how to sort of play other heroes, but when they start changing shit up because of what they saw eg do it becomes a problem


                                                  ive just gotten addicted to axe recently! why the hate? bristle counter hard axe, and is better tank, WD with maledict, stun and ulti is no fun until you get blink.


                                                    "WD with maledict, stun and ulti is no fun until you get blink."
                                                    Picking a hero to counter a hero that only counters that hero for 10 minutes is pretty loose.

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      TRIPLE STEAL AXE WAS GREAT
                                                      EVEN I COULD CARRY HIM
                                                      THAT GAME WAS AXIZIEST


                                                        good morning ynit.
                                                        u wake up just after i leave doto, lol. dat time zones. mb gonna play with u couple of games tmrrw morning., unless u go to bed early, lel.

                                                        edit: forgot its monday, i guess u dont play monday mornings.
                                                        but i do, cz 23rd its fucking holiday here in russia, thanks god. another wasted doto day upcoming.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          its sunday for me, i dont play monday mornings have work mon to fri


                                                            by morning i meant everything after 00:00 actually. I think ill be online since 13-00. Should be 24-00 for u, right? afair we got 11 hrs difference.

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              yah mbe we play more


                                                                so far we rarely win together, but when we do we earn +43 pts

                                                                Mortimer Smith

                                                                  who is megapenis nd why i have games played with him...


                                                                    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                      axe's nerfs were desperately needed but that's not really the biggest issue

                                                                      you're going to get retards who farm out of position next to 10 creeps and get called by axe...and then the same shit will happen throughout the game

                                                                      they won't build bkb till like 40 minutes in which is just asking to get raped by blademail + any other combo

                                                                      so basically if there's a 4k axe picker on the other team and u have some 4k slark/jugg/whatever picker that guy is going to get raped by the axe over and over again, just because that's how the hero works (i rarely die to 4k axe call + cull combos, case in point)

                                                                      THAT'S the problem, not so much the hero itself

                                                                      blame the trashy players mm puts on your team, not the hero being too strong (he's actually not A tier material in competitive anymore, if i'm not mistaken)

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        wait im complaining about the axe pickers being fucking awful

                                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                          well for me it's

                                                                          axe on other team = beyond godlike
                                                                          axe on my team 6-10 with quelling blade (Yes i've seen axes with QBs on my team)

                                                                          Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                                                                            couldve said that from the very beginning, lots of people are confused.

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                              megapenis was my irl friend and dota student ( now he doesnt play too much)

                                                                              and yeah thats why he keeps feeding because i was his coach :D^_^


                                                                                i mean i didnt say it in the top post but in all the posts after that i made it pretty clear

                                                                                sorry i guess

                                                                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                  no everyoen just likes to digress


                                                                                    Trash hero all along the game ... Only strong early game because enemy has low hp, late game useless piece of trash