General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win against refresher aura?

how to win against refresher aura? in General Discussion

    I managed to rax the enemies before lvl 3 upgrade was available, then the typical shitfest starts (zeus, warlock, enigma)
    sadly, rax mean shit if enemy just instagibs u across the map and u cant teamfight
    is it even possible to win without 5 stacking and just stealing the op picks and outplaying the enemis?

    bum farto

      Yes, but really hard. You need coordination to do it where if you're solo queue it ain't gonna happen :(


        its plain dumb to play this mode without 5 man stack tbh

        ur best is to splitpush and lure beast into towers and kill him and then outplay them while they are out of beast


          well up until today i won every year beast with troll and storm but today i got 2x lvl 3 warlock enigma zeus shit on me

          Village Whore

            year beast needs team play or its rip. rush bb warlock zeus sniper and omni. if you cant pay2win at least remove the op ones lol, most important is the laning phase as well as in between year beasts. FARM FARM FARM

            P.S upheaval makes the world go round


              are there any stacks left who needs an actual skilled player?
              will play anything for untradable sets!

              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                zues, undying, warlock win beast. plain and simple

                bum farto

                  ^ really cause we had none of those in this and it was a stomp. Sniper with BKB Diffusal takes care of undying, warlock and Zeus all at the same time.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    why is diffusal good against undy??

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      take aim > tomb
                      diffusal > golem
                      bkb > zeus

                      bum farto

                        Keep in mind as well they still haven't fixed the shrapnel bug on sniper so there's that if you're going max speed as well as the massive amounts of attack speed you get from the aura which is snipers best friend.

                        Also you out range the undying tomb spawn so you can kill it from safety while using shrapnel to keep the others away from you while you do so.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          the beast game is so boring... i got a trash item too.

                          such a waste of time, srsly.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          Sup m8

                            I even got 8000 ability points and didn't get the golden sheep :(

                            MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                              huh how come
                              u mean 8000 base right


                                why would anyone even care about unjewable shitty hats

                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                  the couriers are

                                  bum farto

                                    You have to have 8000 base points, not including bonus.


                                      why would someone care about jewable shitty hats ?

                                      whats the difference if its tradable or not lmao


                                        anyone up to play in 30 min?


                                          I keep reading the title as "refresher ursa" and now I can't stop thinking about

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            omg u so bad,only 1 blink dagger


                                              if anyone plays in 10 minutes

                                              add this for party ez cosmetics


                                                added u

                                                Miku Plays

                                                  Pick silencer and invoker