General Discussion

General DiscussionJust tried out League of Lesbians (HATE TOPIC)

Just tried out League of Lesbians (HATE TOPIC) in General Discussion

    I dont know what was wrong with me today, maybe i just had my brains turned off since i havent slept any and i got a briilliant idea trying out this game. First thing that i learned was: SERVERS ARE EVEN WORSE THEN IN DOTA and by a LOT. At initial login window i had to wait 2 hours to actually fuckin login since servers were down!

    Ofc i went and watch some gameplay videos, but in real life it looks even more childish and ridicuolus. I dont understand how people can play this, unless they are 10 years old and havent seen anything better in their lifes (which is hard). Graphics are just insanely bad and you cant even figure out what's going on. It's like being in the late 90's again on Pentium 2 and Voodoo 3 3000.

    Next thing is LACK OF SO MANY GOOD STUFF FROM DOTA 2. No tp on desired towers, no deny of the creeps, tower dmg is stupid and you cant last hit under it, and WHERE THE HELL IS CURIER?! Also so little items to buy, not even talking about what could i find lacking if i actually played more.

    And most important thing! COMMUNITY IS TRASH. Braindead little kids who cant even type in chat to explain simple questions, God i even miss Russians when i think of LOL matches. No wonder why they ban a lot of players who arent flowering them with cheesy compliements.

    Wish i never tried this game, it was a complete waste of spending few hours downloading this 3.5GB file (yes, my internet is crap) and waste of my SSD space. I dont even have words about how good Dota is compared to this, including all of the shit things that happen occasionally. I strongly discourage to even try this, if you have a little selfrespect.

    me, government hooker

      I like playing it for fun, I got banned 30 days chat in league


        Classic jimmy.


          U can tp to wards xaxa , and u get free wards! Still people dont use them.... what a joke game


            leagues cool. Its so much easier than dota that I can stomp with kayle anytime

            THICC BABY SHUM

              i heah lol is harder you need to lear spells and micro hard kapa


                LoL doesn't necessarely have bad graphics, they just have another theme compared to Dota.
                And those two games can't be compared. LoL is more like a battle/actual arena game, whilst Dota is way deeper, strategy game.

                Also, I highly doubt people look if the game is cartoonstyled or "dotastyled" when they pick what game to play, honestly.

                Anyway, I hate League too. Not cause of it's simple texture, but both it's horrible community, whereas there's no tryhards in pubs.

                Lose earlygame, meh fuck this let's surrender.

                the realm's delight

                  ^part of this, agree
                  graphics arent bad, just different
                  game isnt bad, matchmaking is better, theres no shit such as lp.
                  sad thing is that the game is pay2win, u need retarded runes that u either grind or pay for
                  i played the game for 1 month with a friend and i liked it, its just a different game. if u care about community its ur fault lol, it is just as bad as dota's if not better

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                    "Also, I highly doubt people look if the game is cartoonstyled or "dotastyled" when they pick what game to play, honestly."

                    Ofc they do. Almost everyone i know cares abour graphical design of the game, it's an important part of it.

                    Btw, F!RE, why do you smurf atm? :)


                      You gotta work for your champions like a little kid who works in a illegal factory. F*** that!


                        league fucking sucks


                          most of my friends play league, because more grills play it, but mainly beacuse the learning curve is much easier than dota.
                          it took over 100 games for me to get an acceptable knowledge of dota, while i figured out league in less than 50

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                          Mortimer Smith

                            1. Servers are much more better than dota by far (servers were on maintenance)

                            2. It's simply, the games are not done for be hard 2 play, some people like me who played Dota/lol as a first game could preffer lol because it's not so hard.

                            3. Graphics now are a bit worse than dota (i have lowest settings on dota)

                            4. ''Next thing is LACK OF SO MANY GOOD STUFF FROM DOTA 2. No tp on desired towers, no deny of the creeps, tower dmg is stupid and you cant last hit under it, and WHERE THE HELL IS CURIER?! Also so little items to buy, not even talking about what could i find lacking if i actually played more. ''


                            5. Community is much more better, i suck at lol and they didn't ever raged me in dota2 even when i buy 2 branches on qop instead of null tallisman i get flamed hard.

                            LOL is simper, does it easier? No, you have to face a enemy playing the same easy game, if you get faced vs a challenger you will get rekt hard.
                            When i play lol i have more fun than playing dota, btw i love much more dota.


                              Beastmode i can pm u that but not here haha

                              Combo Smooth

                                Ive played a lot of league in the past and I can honestly say, LoL is a bad game and they keep patching it to make it worse. MOBAS (which is a horrible acronym) are supposed to be strategy games - so whats the point of playing one that trys to keep its strategy and depth to the bare minimum, they've even taken away the role of support.
                                If you want a quick easy game, there are better genres and styles of games out there for that, why would you want to be attached to this top-down forced meta game. Go play a hack and slash or diablo or even Smite is better suited for the kind of quick easy fix.
                                I say LoL has a forced meta because it does, just try to break the meta in a LoL game, people lose their shit. Theres no room to try out new strats, especially if that strat is working, because if it is, Riot will come in and nerf u back to their meta just so noobs don't have to figure a solution to beat that strat.

                                Im not saying dota is perfect but
                                There are many more things wrong with LoL (I didn't even touch on things like its awful community or how snowbally the game is). However, LoL servers are better than valve servers, that's a fact. Valve has the worst servers.

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                                  aram is fun but everything else is pretty meh