General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblade item progress and skill built

Terrorblade item progress and skill built in General Discussion

    which skill should i maxed out first? and how to make TB is effective carry in battle, i know his armor is quite good in description. But i tried it in battle and just squishy.. -_-


      tb is shit now


        Yea he's shit dat illu receive 425% dmg -_
        but steam just dropped its arcana to me -_
        nice things to know


          Terrorblade is pretty unplayable in this patch, almost every single aspect of the hero was nerfed.

          I honestly don't think he can outcarry a lot of heroes anymore, so it's not a case of 'how to make TB effective?', it's more a case of 'when is TB a viable pick?'- Which is almost never, beause there are a lot of heroes that perform his various roles better.


            but his push is quite good for me actually, dealing lot of dmg with illu and skill 3

            Dire Wolf

              In lane you probably want to put one point in q and max meta with a point in illusions. That's if you're doing any fighting. If not then you want to skip q altogether, max illusions and meta. You can even skip ult til those are maxed. You can even go stats over q and ult in some cases if you're just pushing.

              Items are pretty much the same, boots of travel, aquila, either manta or s&y, skadi and butterfly are core. If you are fighting more in lane early you can go drums, you might want to go treads and upgrade to boots later and bkb might be necessary at some point.


                Srsly you have dropped an Arcana for TB? Holy cow... it's like my 2nd best hero and all i get is freakin pugna bzz level of stuff ever since i started playing dota 2.

                Good to know that some people still actually drop valuable items once in a while. amazing for you!

                i'd play the shit out of TB, i havent played him for so long, he's in desperate need of a buff.

                Zenoth goes for quelling, 2x wraith band (turn 1 wraith band into aquila asap), brown boots, yasha, Boots of Travel, Manta, Diffusal lvl 2, Skadi, Ethereal blade and/or BKB, Butterfly and tries to farm as fast as humanly possible and end the game before enemy knows what hit them.

                With that said he really doesn't play TB other than when he's feeling comfortable with party matchmaking, so that his team is ready to secure his early game but yeah. that's his build nowadays.

                why diffusal after manta? arguably you can go diffusal even BEFORE manta. the reason is, you get so much agility per gold its actually insane and with all the nerfs to terrorblade there is only 1 thing he is still doing well: he farms incredibly fast if you invest into agility. so thats what zenoth does, he buys yasha, buys BoT, buys manta (can skip it until later and go straight diffu), gets diffusal lvl 2 (lvl 2 is important, lvl 1 is trash - the active is cool for purging silences and slowing down enemies but main purpose of diffu in this build is to get a lot of agility out of it and: FARM!) and goes on a serious farmfest all around the map, splitting his illusions into different camps and what not.

                Its actually insane. I've seen him play a "standin" in a 4k vs 4k scrim where he replaced one of the carries because he was asked to. he told his team to draft some stuff like clockwerk, lion etc., space creating stuff, so that Zenoth can farm. and he got 15 lasthits per minute in a nearly perfect freefarm situation (4k players in enemy team... they couldnt stop him at all).

                I mean, 6.81 terrorblade in such situation would probably hit like 17-18 lasthits per minute but all things considered, by 35 minute mark zenoth had literally Double the networth of enemy Troll warlord. Enemy also had Tinker who tried to defend against swarm of incoming splitpush out of Zenoth's illusion but that wasn't possible.

                I'm talking like, 30.000 gold worth of items on Zenoth, when enemy Troll AND Tinker together have 15.000 each.

                So yea, that's about it.

                I wish you good luck, and i'd like to say that i'm really jealous that you got TB arcana even considering how "shit" this hero currently is. I love the hero concept, he's just so much fun to farm with (i love the micromanagement of some heroes in this game, go figure if you look at my dotabuff profile). And don't give up if you lose a lot. Maybe he will get buffed next patch..

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                  This was the match i won to get TB arcana
                  but still, TB is sucks at all. But its push just too strong..
                  Can u give the video link of the match? or youtube maybe, so I can evaluate and maybe fit Zenoth style to my style xD

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                    have fun, this is the freefarming Terrorblade scrim replay straight from Zenoth's HDD since i asked him a second ago.


                    he said i should give this to you as a replay because it demonstrates how to play Terrorblade after getting shut down in lane



                      Watch both from Zenoth's perspective to learn how to Terrorblade in 6.83