General Discussion

General DiscussionDifference of Dire and Radiant

Difference of Dire and Radiant in General Discussion

    Is there any difference when playing in Dire and Radiant? Because I always lose when I'm always in Dire Team I have 50% Winrate in Radiant while 36% in Dire. Is there any advantage when you play in Radiant? What hero is strong in Radiant and weak in Dire or vice versa. Can someone explain me please! :(

    saving private RTZ

      Its all in your mind, relax, its a game. Truly, there is some advanteges like the offlane on dire is much harder, you cant pull, but on the other hand its much easier to screw up enemy pull safetier


        Yup! I know that it's just a game. But the thing here is that my lose is higher in my win and it's bad! I got 43.95% Winrate in all my matches. :(


          My dire/radiant winrate is pretty bad too. I think it's getting better though.

          At the lower levels, no one really takes advantage of roshan and jungle farm well enough to secure advantages in the mid game. I think radiant is better early game because of easier pull spots for the supports and the option for the offlaner to pull the lane. These early game advantages usually translate into wins because dire can't come back.


            Radient mid is better because of nearby neutrals and ancients, but dire jungle is easier and rosh advantage


              the difference is radiant is better


                At the lower levels, no one pulls.

                I think it's due to viewing angle and how the bottom of the screen is clustered, making it hard to chase downwards.


                  well, there are tons of differences that i wont list, but the result is that basically every1 has better winrate on radiant side.

                  the realm's delight

                    Greygrey the Sailor

                      Dire is better for ganking and roshan. Radiant is better for farming :P

                      saving private RTZ

                        The big thing about radiant is ghat it has better laning phase, much better so for Dires in pubs is much harder to comeback if they lane on the usual 2-1-2 because their carry will probably get bullied. Still Dire has rosham


                          is 2-1-2 usual? wut?

                          casual gamer

                            ^ just 2k mmr things


                              yeah, you try to trilane in 2k and you get dogs abuse... it's not fun considering most of my favourite supports benifit soo much from a good trilane and the pull gold.

                              casual gamer

                                I dropped to 3750 at one point, got to watch supports wander between lanes like lost puppies pre round lol

                                Mortimer Smith

                                  [size=20]59% RADIANT
                                  36% DIRE[/size]

                                  Omgeezz this shit is real

                                  Mortimer Smith


                                    Mortimer Smith

                                      I think my screen is so dark so i cant win on dire.

                                      saving private RTZ

                                        Yea 2-1-2 is usual in the 70% 2k mmr where most people belong to ( my english tho). But yea, I dont know much about this gamr im just a 4.1k scrub