General Discussion

General DiscussionSchool stuff

School stuff in General Discussion

    Can I ask you guys to just fill out this questionnaire?

    Make a copy of it and then post it in the forums below please. This is really important for my school. Ignore questions 5 and 6.

    Thank you so much for those of you who do this.


      is this stats or what

        Tento komentář byl smazán
        Greygrey the Sailor

          Tumblr would be so upset with this..


            [Size=18]Privilege and Power Field Interview Questionnaire[/size]

            [Size=14]Interviewee’s Name:[/size] Harry Potter

            [Size=14]Interview Location:[/size] Cannuckland

            [Size=14]Interview Date:[/size] 3/3/15 [color=#313131]....................[/color] [Size=14] Interview Time:[/size] 2215 GMT-6

            [Size=14]1. What is an invisible privilege?[/size]
            Never heard of this before, but if I had to guess, it would be a unwritten privilege. Something that isn't official but happens anyway.

            [Size=14]2. What invisible privileges do you feel you possess due to your gender? [/size]
            What invisible privileges do you feel you are denied due to your gender?

            Men are more physically adept. We don't have to deal with the pain of childbirth or the reproductive system.

            Denied? Women win rights to children much more often. They get to determine if a child lives or dies, Men have no say. What happens if I want to keep that child, but she decides to abort it? And likewise, the more popularly debated opposite, if we don't want it, that's too bad we have to keep it.

            [Size=14]3. What invisible privileges do you feel you possess due to your social class? [/size]
            What invisible privileges do you feel you are denied due to your social class?

            I have a slightly better starting point, but generally I would have ended up the same place albeit slightly farther back, but not too much as my parents didn't fund anything I did. I probably got a better education than someone less privileged.

            Denied: none.

            [Size=14]4. What invisible privileges do you feel you possess due to your race? [/size]
            What invisible privileges do you feel you are denied due to your race?

            None. White people are being oppressed. Not severely, and no I'm not trolling. But there is so much bullshit about racism that it seems every race that isn't white gets advantages. Where I live Natives get all kinds of free stuff and huge tax deductions. How is that fair? It's atoning for racism with more racism.

            Denied: None.

            [Size=14]5. (Add question that is specific to your topic and helps answer your essential question.)[/size]
            when will people stop picking earthshaker holy shit fuck that hero.

            [Size=14]6. (Add question that is specific to your topic and helps answer your essential question.)[/size]
            also fuck winter wyvern.

            [Size=14]7. What will it take for equality and social solidarity to be fully achieved in the United States of America?[/size]
            Remove all Native/+Racial priviledges/advantages. When it comes to childbirth decisions, if the sides are opposed (Female wants to keep, Male doesn't) then the Male need not pay a single dime into child support. If the Female doesn't want it, and the Male does, then she will birth it and all custody goes to the Male. The Female will receive some sort of benefit/tax deduction/something for going through birthing the child.

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                thanks marlan, commended.