General Discussion

General Discussionso I was playing this game then get randomly ultied by treant's ulty

so I was playing this game then get randomly ultied by treant's ulty in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    So when did they change this? NOw it's upgradable by scepter? When did this happen pre-DAC or post?


      it happened mbe like 2 months ago. Did you know that 2 bounties spawn right when game starts?

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        Yea i know that but running around with like low hp and all sudden get ultied by treant's ult.. almost died. I'm suprized the pros haven't used this strat yet.. before a 5v5. treant global ults, everybody in same place.

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        Greygrey the Sailor

          Yeah, the aghs is actually among one of the best, there is a crazy build out there that rushes the aghs scepter and uses it to farm all of the jungle camps at once, I knew a guy that got 900 gpm off of that and got refresher to get global kills if any of them went any where near his wards


            it's not even that good, an organized team will buy a gem and go chopping trees

            Miku Plays

              pick this heroes if you ever see treant on other team :
              > enigma
              > natures
              > timbersaw


                ^ Treant is more of a last or pre last pick support now though, so you may risk rupturing your lineup if you counter him.

                Miku Plays

                  thats why i included " if you ever see " statement


                    Lol stealing every camp will not work in decent games, they will buy gem ASAP

                    I mean yeah it's fun though


                      Support treants rare get the farm they need for aghs scepter unless they are stomping or they get it late game. By that time, you'll mostly be fighting to get rax which means global ultimates won't really be a thing because you can't place the eyes fast enough.

                      I would actually value it more for the vision rather than the global ult. Even if they buy a gem and cut down trees, they will be wasting a lot of time doing so. 25 second cd change is great.

                      Also, try and read more of the patch notes. This has been added since september of last year. Part of improving in playing is knowing what you are going up against.

                      Edit: And stealing all the farm by using your ultimate on all the creep camps isn't really going to help your team's carries farm

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                      Epic Sax Guy

                        Bulldog played carry treeant on his stream some time ago. Got aghs and refresher. Ended at 800 GPM and just trolled the enemy team all the time they stepped into the forest.


                          FNG did something similar too, cant remember what tourney or who against, but they won in the end

                          editerino: was vs teamerino tinkerino, here is link no copy pasterino

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            i wonder if that's the best build, i've had maybe one treant in my games in 1 month, he rushed midas aghs and we was kind of low impact