General Discussion

General Discussionvoid item builds...

void item builds... in General Discussion

    ok, so i am not happy with my current item builds for void as i often run around with almost no HP..
    i win games but it feels risky...

    sometimes if i dominate the lane i go midas but most of the time its PMS, treads, mask of madness, battlefury , mjolnir, bkb , mkb or butterfly depending if i need true strike or not. Sometimes daedalus. I can see satanic as replacement for mask of madness lategame... but... running around with 16-10str from bkb and treads for most of the game feels scary.

    anyone has some suggestions? should i try skadi or even heart? what to replace?

    i know that (midas+) battlefury + mjolnir seems like farming item overkill... should i drop the battlefury (or mjolnir vs illusion heroes since cleave is better)?

    what about manta? or necrominicon? linkens? scepter (i run void as #1 ricer who fights in midgane fights if needed with MoM/mael/bf)?

    Mortimer Smith

      Eres ion? ROFL

      Mortimer Smith

        Eres ion? ROFL

        Pom Pom 🍕

          Aghanim scepter is nice if you want more hp, cooldown reduction means you can be less conservative with your ulti as well (plus his chronosphere costs a ton of mana now, so the extra mana can help for using time walk more often without oom-ing your chrono).

          Generally you shouldn't need much hp items on him though, unless you can't kill in chrono and need to fight a lot outside of it. If using chrono and they have a lot of nukers, a bkb is normally enough.

          anything shorter
            Tento komentář byl smazán

              Battle fury is not really needed for Void, this is probably why you have no HP, with you amping the damage you take with mask + having HP boost with treads only you'd be nothing but a glass cannon once you pop the ult and walk. Also I'm about to go watch walking dead LOL but try to use your chrono for single kills to or even defensively I guess. IDK you have 3 games with void unless diff account.

              Greygrey the Sailor

                How to build tanky void in for ez stehps

                Build powah treds

                Agh anims sceptor

                I of skidi

                Black king bar

                if u have built this items by 65 minutes you have won teh game!

                Thank u 4 ur time, remember to commend!

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  y do u need i of skidi.

                  you don't need slows with chrono which is a good chunk of your deeps. and your Q will slow people anyway.


                    skadi gives good EHP like heart but also increases mp and dmg for void...


                      i think midas is a bad item if you rush it, as with most safe laners id just get it after treads

                      usually i go stout/rop/4tango or stout/8 tango/salve to start (easy lane or hard lane) then build into boots, basi, orb of venom, qb, oov and boot allow you to harass and kill a lot of heroes with one support (time walk + oov slow is pretty strong with voids attacks, and if u get a bash thats guaranteed kill)

                      outside of laning stage, upgrade to treads then get midas if ur still freefarming and u know other team wont push. otherwise finish aquila and build mask of madness. after that BKB if its really needed (other team has a ton of magic cc/is grouped up a lot) but if you have space to farm and get solo picks get maelstrom. after that get the one you didnt get, then go aghs or finish mjollnir (espec if u have a hero like axe who can use the active rlly well) crit is a good extension after mael if you want to get that, also aghs is available if you think you can get picks and transition them into objectives (so like solo chrono someone then go rosh, if other team tries to contest ur chronos up again, stuff like that)
                      mkb situational
                      refresher always as 4th item usually



                        so what if i build battlefury..still doesnt explain my queation.

                        i can swap with with deadalus and will still be glass cannon in this aghs lina and sniper picker patch when i need to ult troll XD


                          Dirty little void picker just dont pick void


                            how does op have 56%wr but mostly only high skill games?


                              your bkb interpretation was incorrect, nice skidi though
                              black king bar:

                              Tento komentář byl upraven


                                1v1 games or unranked is high skill so far [lazy to grind them to v.high; used to be v.high on old acc but i played a lot of games with reddit ppl of 2-3k mm in unranked here]; ranked is all very high...

                                check out the dotabuff toplist topic to see my mmr...

                                Tento komentář byl upraven


                                  actually i was planning to buy mjolnir or battlefury hat for void soon >:D

                                  Дырявый жопник

                                    The most fun ganking faceless void, needs a well coordinated team though.



                                      My standaard void build is blijk dagger, armlet and then shivas guard. Keepo



                                        if you go midas+bf+mjollnir you have some issues man, mom is already a farming item, so you go 4 farming items, lmao.
                                        my build has worked great lately, but its a build for a player with some awareness, because void is not a hero that you build to get more ehp.

                                        and pt+mom+crit gives more damage than pt+mom+maelstrom, and is cheaper, so i wanted to start building void like that and see if i get reported.

                                        Greygrey the Sailor

                                          @mokujin Commended


                                            i disagree with mael vs crit dps as 2nd item...


                                              remove mjolnir shit


                                                my reasoning for mael vs crystis thaf more atk speed =more bashes that do DOUBLE dmg in chrono... also vs 2-5 people lightning damage adds up. mael is is better teamfight item. also; faster farming speed


                                                one dude says BF is bad; other says MJOL is bad...

                                                what is your typical build then?

                                                started building mael after void got some competetive usage in 2014...

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  ^pt mom cristalis


                                                    and btw, for a double damaged bash in chrono you also can get a crit, ez more dmg than maelstrom.

                                                    and also, you shouldn't judge by pros, thats for sure, try some builds in unranked and see for yourself.

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