Congrats bro, that's quite nice mmr to calibrate at :) I'd like to know most common mistakes at that mmr too, since i play around there and i want to improve.
Alright guys , since i played mid the 10 games the most common mistake i saw at mid is players dont really know what to do , lets say the mid is even no1 died both of us having good cs , or the mid is won by them due to enemy ganks , they dont know what to do after that , they go try to gank they leave the lane for like 2 -3 minutes they might get a kill and they come to mid while im ahead from farming the whole wave and woods , they turn the lane from even to way behind or from won to lost , and they dont understand what the enemy can do , ive killed tons of people at mid just for the reason they dont understand i can kill them , i abused this alot
They dont deward much , they deward a place and ward at the same place , which the enemy will get sentry and deward it
They like to fight alot and dont know how to trade , there were games where they went 5 man on our t1 and i pushed all the way to there t2 killing it or making it lose over its half hp.
They dont abuse there advantage , like when im kinda snowballing lets say with sf or storm , and im hard to kill and i see 2-3 heroes on the map , ill farm there jungle (mostly big camp and small camp if im radiant since its near my t1 and small medium and big camp if im dire since its near my t1)
They dont ward according to the situation
If i remember more ill edit but till now thats what i remember.
Oh yeah and they give up so fast , ive had games where some of my team would go gg we lost , and i kept saying dont give up , btw they listen , every1 who said they dont is lying , some of them dont , but most of them do comunicate and listen , if there were non english speakers ( i encountered one) i ping and use chat wheel , if ur doing well in ur game and ur not flaming and ur plans and suggestions rnt crazy they will listen over 50% of the times
They dont deward much , they deward a place and ward at the same place , which the enemy will get sentry and deward it
They dont deward much , they deward a place and ward at the same place , which the enemy will get sentry and deward it
They dont deward much , they deward a place and ward at the same place , which the enemy will get sentry and deward it
^that x1000000 too many supports do this shit that I started just buying sentries as the carry to destroy all 4 of their wards because they put in the EXACT same rune spot all game
i will start selling 5k's again after college exams :D
so they will rage " acc buyer in team report " to pepol i sell accs:)))))
gotta love dis
"i like acc buyers, they give me free win in 5/9 of cases."
Not if they're in your team :D
i get matched with 9 ppl, 5 of them on enemy team and 4 - on my one. Im not an acc buyer, so in 4/9 acc buyers lose me a game, and in 5/9 - give ez win.
TripleSteal not everyone has went to school, and same logic goes for ppl who complain that they cant win cuz they get noobs on there team.
Well, it's sometimes ridiculous to read posts of the type "my teammates dont let me get my real mmr". Exaggerated ego paired with poor IQ is a huge source of fun.
"i get matched with 9 ppl, 5 of them on enemy team and 4 - on my one. Im not an acc buyer, so in 4/9 acc buyers lose me a game, and in 5/9 - give ez win."
It's statistically true you should win more cause you have lower chance to get an account buyer in your team (if you're not one), i agree with that although you wrote it in a stupid way only YNIT could understand. But that is only statistics, in real life however you can get unlucky and get 5 of them in 5 games, on the other side a friend of yours with same mmr could be in oposite team 5 times in a row and win 5 games due to luck. All i wanted to say is:
1: fuck account buyers, they'll drop to their mmr in a really short period of time anyway, so why buying an account in the first place?
2: statistics can work, but doesn't work for everyone, especially for special players like Bogi. He's a magnet for leavers and feeders and may get 5 of them in 10 games easily, on the other side you have players that dont get them period. For most of people it works equally tho.
And the final thing - 3.5k mmr player talks about 50 IQ, how convinient :D
Its sad if ur brain hast to have perfect written sentence with period and starting with capital to understand.
"i like acc buyers, they give me free win in 5/9 of cases."
hows that "stupid way only YNIT could understand"? I mean, it is the most obvious way to express the idea, unless you consider me idiot that just writes random numbers by-default.
luck is overestimated tho imho. its just the question of one's perception - u only remember bad stuff and forget about wins; otherwise it would be impossible to explain why more than a half of people complain about their teammates being bad, feeders always n their side, etc. Idiots are uniformly distributed.
No, you know what's sad? It's sad that a guy with 3800 games is still in high bracket and cant even get 3.7k with so much dedication and time put into :) I cant understand every monkey on some forum if he cant express corectly what he thinks.
P.S. No hard feelings TripleSteal i hope, didnt mean to insult you in any way. It was just a stupid way you wrote all together, although ofc i got it what you meant and i agree with it.
Facts are no flame, Sampson and me just told this autist kid facts.
Anyway F!re, keep us informed with your progression towards 5k :)
I tanked my MM to the lowest depths of MM since I started playing like shit because I am too busy to play much atm. You on the other hand play 5k games a year and still have a lower MM than me at the lowest I can possibly sink :P
Samson, u rlly need math class 5k games in a year? i dont even have 5k games, and most of my games were with friends playing ap for fun ability draft and shit like that. no dota 1 hon or lol experience at all. and nice ranked wr btw.
you average about 3.8 games a day (2.5~ years playing). The fact that you can dedicate about 3hours per day purely to Dota and still suck is pretty pathetic........
Samzon Ranked MM 497 50.10%
Ranked MM 877 52.91%
Cool story m9 now go tell it to ur mother
drink some cool aid
started at 3100
and u got carryd in all pick none stop by ur swag group
then calibrated high and with fried chicken was able to stay at that mmr going down almost below 50% cya gl playing zelda
yes, but u didnt had to learn it u get to collage cuz u drink cool aid and play basketball
Dont worry YNIT with player like you in the 3k no matter how much I suck I cant drop below you :)
too bad u dont know how to make that link showup
Edit: not playing XD
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4.675 mmr im not sure if its the max , 8/10 wins , both of the loses i was winning , easily until i got 1k ping half the game and dced no1 paused for me for no reason , well in first one wk was a kid who kept saying gg end and i think he unpaused but in the second one for no reason , im 100% sure if i had no lag i would win at least 9/10, yah and i lagged like fuck in sniper game(no flame pl0x)
i saw tons of mistakes that 4.5k do and now i know why they r there , lets see at what wr% ill reach 5.5