General Discussion

General DiscussionSo i tried recalibrating....

So i tried recalibrating.... in General Discussion
Positivity Wins Games

    On my main account my mmr is 2.2 k (horrible right?)I made a second account starting at 1 k to have some fun but now i am put against players of 3-4k mmr. Is this because I have improved or another reason?

    Greygrey the Sailor

      The game recognizes that you are a skilled player now (since you don't have all those old nooby games on this account) and matches you up with other players that have a better average game :P

      Positivity Wins Games

        Thats odd because i can carry in these games but at my main account i am unable to carry. probably because supports take farm and stand in lane in 2k


          High skill starts at 3,2k mmr. You were hardly matched with 4K's due to your nomalskill game after. If you make a smurf, you will be automatically put with players who are new, if the game recognizes, that you perform well it will put you against better Players, you should be back to 2K soon tho...


            Yeah, I'm skeptical as to how you know for sure you are matched with players of 3-4k mmr if you can't see mmr until after you calibrate


              Rofl, he says he's matched with 3-4k players and yet, every single game is in normal bracket (probably 2k) :D

              Positivity Wins Games

                its because one game for some reason i had a 300 mmr pudge on my side and a 4k razor


                  definitely not 4k razor, might not even be 3k seriously ^