General Discussion

General Discussion5 Meepo players vs 5 Meepos meepo players, all as meepo

5 Meepo players vs 5 Meepos meepo players, all as meepo in General Discussion
me, government hooker

    Anyone think this would be F**king epic?

    the realm's delight


      casual gamer

        it doesnt work

        id be interested in seeing 1 meepo piloted by 5 people though


          also would be funny if these people would belong to completely different skill brackets


            5 people controlling meepo would be bigger mess than 1 person controlling it.


              5 people from different servers/continents

              1 from S./N. America
              1 from EU
              1 from RU
              1 from China
              1 from SEA/AUS

              the struggle would be real

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                ^it should include at least one peruvian, one pinoy, and one russian. and no one should speak english.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  for a second that dp made me think it was relentless


                    5 v5 meepos

                    1 team wins teamfight and meepo instantly goes from lvl 10 to 25


                      ^ ?


                      the only reason he gets more exp is because his meepoes count as heroes for the purposes of EXP splitting..

                      normally you get 1/5th the share of exp.

                      with meepo you get 5/9th the share.

                      but in 5v5 meepo you get 5/25 or 1/5th....

                      it will be the same..

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      Greygrey the Sailor

                        5v5 meepos would be epic, if you are planning on doing this some time count me in


                          just think of the team fights.


                          50 small rat bodies are left littering the ground, every one is dead except for the couriers, who are finally free from indentured servitude and can now live out their shared dream of making the first winged donkey on greavling porno.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          waku waku


                            is more like my kind of thing

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            casual gamer

                              fuk he has the same avatar ill have to change it the next time im on a computer

                              yung griphook

                                not enough farm on the map


                                  I'm up! I'm a meepo player, I want to be in that pub.... ADD ME


                                    Use cheat at the start which gives every player a free manta