General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Boosting

MMR Boosting in General Discussion

    I mean it's pretty fucking obvious when someone picks earth spirit and misses every point blank stun/silence (and even misses his ult when heroes were like 300 range away)

    Oh and "this user hasn't set up his steam profile"

    So stop embarrassing yourself and stay in ur trash bracket, thanks


      nope, ill keep paying for boosting my mmr


        but sir, i am in 2k mmr but my mmr real is at least 7k so i will buy 7k acc for a few thousand dollars so i can have fun in doto


          well earth spirit is hard hero ok ?


            Because once a person practises a hero he might not be comfortable with
            It is reasonable the other 4 players in your team each have to create a shitpost about it


              Er.... noob here. How do you actually boost a solo ranked MMR? I gather you can boost a party one alright but solo??


                You pay another person to play using your account


                  Oh I see. And get scammed very easily if that's the case!

                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                    no its not easy to scam, because most boosters come from epicnpc which requires you to be verified in order to offer boosting services. and it cost money + accounts are ip tracked i think so its tedious and not worth the time to scam people. moreover accounts are usually of too low mmr to be worth scamming in the first place.

                    plus there are measures such as using teamviewer program to log in which means the booster doesnt get the password

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      Nice info. Thanks! The amount they charge is substantial. Just checked out one site. I think they quoted a few thousand dollars for a ready-made 5k MMR account. I reckon good players can really make a reasonable living playing full time Dota!

                      Also I'm still dubious about the password thing. They may just trade/gift away all your items and rob you that way no?



                        prices should be much lower. afaik, 7k+ acc was sold for less than 3k$, and prices grow exponentially.

                        MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                          cant trade if you changed log in location for 7 days, and i think there are ways to disable trading maybe. gifting is a new feature which is a problem though.

                          bum farto

                            5k accounts are a dime a dozen but may get a little more costly due to the new smurf calibration rules making it more difficult. A 5k account (low) should only cost a few hundred if that (*sit) whereas a 6k account that's on the leaderboards are usually more expensive.

                            Also credibility with boosters is key, and no account or any items are worth ruining a reputation for.

                            EDIT: Just realized normal skill 30% winrate made a guide on Visage :)

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              Hey Havoc! Thanks for having an interest in my profile! Those guides are just only for my own reference but you are more than welcomed to scrutinise it. I never mentioned that I am a pro player or a pro Visage player. Still learning the in and outs of Visage. Have you ever tried to play Visage at 1k MMR and try to climb? Its really frustrating trying to steer 'SS Du*bF*uck' to victory if you know what I mean. Support at that level is haemetemsis-inducing.




                                people can make guides for themselves to use in game it think...


                                  nah they are not public unless you publish them


                                    a 5k account is worth a few hundred $ ? u shittin me rite

                                    bum farto

                                      @Nova Depending how high I think like mid 5K ones are like $150 and like a high 5k is like $180-$200 low 5k's (5100-5200) are decently easy to find and are probably only like 100ish

                                      "cost a few hundred if that" cause a lot of my information is stuff I remembered from friends selling accounts a year or two ago, I am not up to date with what they cost now. "If that" means I am unsure as to actual accurate cost.

                                      @Gecko "Have you ever tried to play Visage at 1k MMR and try to climb?" Give me your account for a day and I will climb with visage no problem :) I haven't played him in a bit though and used to when I was more competitive about this game.


                                        thgat visage build xD

                                        yeah man, it's totally your teammates fault you're 1k, not your lack of a 400 dmg nuke at lv 7


                                          Yes, I have checked out assumption at level 7. Doesn't work if your teammates are the ones contributing to the charges or yourself if you know what 1K MMR means.

                                          I may even take you up on that offer! Will be nice to see how your Visage work in that MMR range. LoL



                                            so i have 2 acc with 5k+ anyone knows anybody who's willing to buy em ?
                                            i need monii ..)


                                              doesnt work if you're retarded and dont right click people*

                                              given your winrate with visage you're not really in a position to say that your build works.
                                              plus stop blaming your teammates, you're also 1k mmr too.

                                              bum farto

                                                "Visage can't work in 1k because the team is bad"


                                                  visage can be easily built as carry, and everything that can be carry, can stomp 1k games

                                                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                    Havoc sama have mercy!

                                                    bum farto

                                                      His skill build and hotkeys are all wrong, I spent the better part of that game trying to remove his skill progression suggestions FML.


                                                      1. No one farmed, like literally was coaching the WD through the game everyone auto attacks till they get the items they want.
                                                      2. They wander into fights, like will a click a target then just tunnel vision.
                                                      3. Item progression sucks, like manta on PL with a PA and kunkka in the game.
                                                      4. No objective, no one wants to end or push even with like 4 dead.

                                                      ...among loads of other things. Its not the hero, its not the players, its you. No one is holding you back.

                                                      EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                        lel ima watch that, always thought that 1k mmr was full of 6k trolls trolling trolls

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          lol i just checked, 1 year ago i was 2500 mmr


                                                            Ha ha lol. Visage rampage. I admit I was playing more support style visage. Perhaps I should make more dagon-dragons!



                                                              BTW, how much coaching do u have to do? Typing or Voice? I wouldn't be good enough to coach and play at the same time!


                                                                "support style"
                                                                just admit that not maxing soul assumption by 7/8 is bad.


                                                                  ^ in his last game (the one where he went 39/12/17, two hours ago) he maxed it by lvl 8. Even if he wont post that he was wrong he admitted it to himself.

                                                                  bum farto

                                                                    ^ That was me playing on his account!


                                                                      oh cmon, I want a 1k account to have fun as well


                                                                        havoc sama no mercy


                                                                          How did I not see that. havoc if you are going to help this guy please teach him, don't boost him.

                                                                          bum farto

                                                                            We swapped accounts to prove that his bracket was just him and not the players and that he couldn't stand a chance vs better players.

                                                                            My offlane carry on his account
                                                                            His safelane carry on my old LP account

                                                                            To be fair I have been needing a new project now that a lot of the people I used to coach are actually higher rating than me know. Fun thing was I was talking them through their mistakes and mentioned that I was playing on a lower account and we were talking the whole game. After the game ended we sat in the close screen and they were asking me to point out their mistakes.

                                                                            Maybe I will coach him though I need a EU player I think he is SEA.

                                                                            Mistakes from that game:

                                                                            1. The enemy were 5 mid kinda farming trying to get kills. One by one the team from them and ours went in and died and I basically said to leave the necro mid who's aura could potentially hold the lane and the rest split and farm. It was all new to them. Low tiers like this literally have no concept of smart play, throwing kill after kill at each other till one team manages to end. Games last so long.

                                                                            2. Item choices. Everyone likes a good SB every now and then but most of these players seriously dunno beyond that. Blink on necro was something he said he couldn't do when i suggested it. Ursa wanted linkens and I basically asked him what he was hoping to block and wouldn't a BKB be better? Like even looking at the last game with Visage the PA never bought a BKB, 1ks' literally start farming and will tunnel the same items every game no matter how it is going.

                                                                            3. Still didn't know how to farm Ursa had very low farm as did clinkz which made us lose all our towers and one rax before like 15 minutes. I explained that they needed to split a bit and farm away from the main team so as to create space, and put pressure on their team seeing as the enemy were 5 manning.

                                                                            4. Seriously passive players who idle, I would be diving and they would be so slow to react which would usually end with me getting 1-2 kills then dying, then the team dives under tower when i am dead and everyone else is running and they do like circles around the creeps/tower and even just end up dying themselves. Go in means "Hurry, go in now" not "wait then go in when i am dead and die yourselves".

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                              Very nice play. Learnt a good bit Havoc thanks. But you are 'bending the rule'. I did say climbing up the MMR with 'Visage'.
                                                                              Also your gameplay vs my gameplay is like comparing apple vs oranges. You are using top win rate character while I am using a bottom win rate character. My team already stop trying within 15 minutes into game especially that KOTL. What to do?



                                                                                As much as I agree Alchemist is a shit-tier hero right now, pub winrate doesn't mean anything, don't take the statistics too seriously. Many of the bottom winrate heroes are among the strongest ones at higher levels. Problem is the vast majority of games played are in the potato bracket, so the stats don't tell you the whole story.

                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                  LoL i would fucking love to play on a 1k account, i wanna see how people play there LoL


                                                                                    I am fairly sure that havoc would be able to win almost all of his games in your bracket, with any hero. Its not really a matter of play style, its a matter of being a better player. please don't blame your team for that game, you had the lowest gold on your team & the fewest last hits (as a safe lane alch who should really have the most LH and gold), and the same hero damage dealt as that KOTL who you are trying to blame (and far less then the other players).

                                                                                    I am not trying to be an ass, but its not your teams fault, and you wont get any better if you make excuses and blame everyone else. maybe your just trying to save face, which I get. the point is to max soul assumption first on visage, and farm more when you pick a carry.

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                    bum farto

                                                                                      Give me a hero to play and I will win with it.

                                                                                      Things I have seen.

                                                                                      1. People still think Alch is a carry.....why?
                                                                                      2. People seriously dual melee offlane vs a sniper?
                                                                                      3. Playing level 1-2 aggressive with the right hero will always win you the game.
                                                                                      4. Everyone goes for stupid items still.
                                                                                      5. You blink as sniper vs a 5 man solo they still run, know your strengths and weaknesses, and take advantage of theirs. (No real lockdown for a sniper)
                                                                                      6. Buy a gem early, it really fucks a squishy alch an weaver so hard.

                                                                                      Blunt is now taking over your account, I think I will start coaching you tomorrow and I think me and him just want a couple fun games on the account before seriously teaching you how to play like a a better player.

                                                                                      bum farto

                                                                                        Also on Visage... I have a very high winrate on visage playing him both competitively and in pubs and I sit at about 4900-5200 rating at the moment and I still manage to win quite a lot of games with him, more even recently.


                                                                                        Do you think I would even struggle in a bracket 4K below me? Like seriously in that visage game I put my birds on CM and then fought without microing them much. I literally played by my own definition "like a scrub" and still came out miles ahead of my team mates.

                                                                                        I have actually found that you can lead this bracket so easy. People are amazed by what I do and its not cause I am that good of a player, its just things that they never think about but with guidance could actually be decent players.

                                                                                        also......YOU HAVE FUCKING AUTO ATTACK TURNED ON!

                                                                                        People are willing to play along with someone who's playing well, take the humble seat. I didn't start out by demanding they listen to me I suggested they play along and I always offlane.

                                                                                        1. I win the offlane in my own bracket so even easier in this one.
                                                                                        2. The cores and mids are picked and people like picking supports in this bracket even if they suck. I like to ruin their carries day.
                                                                                        3. After about 10 kills I let the team know I am a 5k player doing some research/boosting on the account. I offer suggestions and even though I am leagues better I never flame or shit talk when they die? Why? Cause the death of my safelane means nothing to me cause I know I can carry it myself and therein lies my point and the one juice brought to light awhile back.

                                                                                        ....if you're really that much better you can actually win 1v5 till about 3K then from there a little less and even more till you reach your true rating. If you can't carry 1v5 then you're already at your true rating.


                                                                                          Alch can always be a carry. His ricing speed is unparallel.


                                                                                            yeah but he's still shit


                                                                                              to Havoc

                                                                                              Bravo my good sir.



                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  damn 1k bracket is way better than i expected.

                                                                                                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                                                                    auto attack on/off
                                                                                                    after spell on/off
                                                                                                    are all situational what are u talking about


                                                                                                      ^ I have auto attack on. What's the problem here?