General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit (Invincibility frames)

Storm Spirit (Invincibility frames) in General Discussion

    Hi I was wondering how much delay there is in activating storm's ulti to dodge projectiles? How do I time it to dodge projectiles? ( Can the projectile be dodged if I activate earlier than contact point?)

    Sup m8

      You will disjoint certain projectiles if only if you are invulnerable during the contact point of the spell. The cast time is about 0.2 seconds.

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        u can dodge everything (except glimpse?)


          It depends.

          "Can the projectile be dodged if I activate earlier than contact point?"
          When we speak only about storm's ultimate, then yes. But you can't dodge everything with this. You can dodge any normal attacks, be it hero ranged attacks, creep or tower attacks. However, some single target stuns and some other projectiles CAN'T be dodged (disjointed), so you have to jump directly into it
          so when that stun hits you, it doesn't do anything because you're invulnerable

          and glimpse can be dodged i believe.. at least when you use any illusion based spell like ck's ulti or naga's mirror image, it breaks you out of glimpse if you time it correctly (you have to be invulnerable when that blue ball gets to its destination)

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