General Discussion

General DiscussionOracle. Need advice.

Oracle. Need advice. in General Discussion

    Actually - i heard what c9.dd got 6k with him +2 another supps, so mainly looking for his answer.

    Soulring vs. saving for Arcane Boots
    Tranquill Boots vs. Arcane Boots
    Boots of Travel on lategame. Worth or not

    Is this worth to roam as Oracle? He got pretty decent dmg+roots on Q, so if your mid got another stun/slow you can do it iguess.

    How to evade deaths as Oracle, if your R is already gone?

    Is this really worth to go Dagon-build as Support?

    Who is ... uuuhmm... teh bane of Oracle on early/midgame?

    Leeching EXP on the lane vs. Stacking the jungle and getting exp later as Oracle.


      Okay I updated, hope you find something informative.

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      casual gamer

        here is my advice to u as a 4k scrub:

        arcanes manapool is a major asset for using your ult more than once after multiple casts of your other skills

        roaming on oracle is very possible with another allied support, solo maybe if the enemy has a high kill potential mid like sniper or your mid has high burst/lockdown

        dagon is usually not worth it as support oracle, items like ghost/force/euls/blink let you evade sticky situations and avoid wasting your r on yourself

        to evade deaths as oracle, keep in mind many heroes you can just disarm and run away/tp from, especially slark the pub fucker as he cant dispel edict

        the bane of oracle is people who can jump on you and kill u 100->0 like storm/qop

        laning phase i get w first and autoattack the offlaner until he gives up on life or the safelane carry outlevels him and has good lane presence. Then i pull -> pull thru and typical support shit

        if you want to have fun, go mid oracle and rush dagon or lothar. almost any 4k player will not respect my nuke damage and die to me at lv 5-7, and then oracle transitions into a nightmarish nuker semicarry, like the ungodly spawn of lina and slark

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        waku waku

          he can solo rosh, that's the only good thing i know about him compared to someone else


            I can't tell about mid, but for support Oracle best item build is: Urn, Arcane Boots, Mek. After that you can only upgrade Arcane Boots into Bloodstone + Travel Boots.

            Doom or any hero with silence/Orchid can shut Oracle down. Also Bloodseeker and Zeus are natural counters to Oracle's ultimate.


              ------------------------ALRIGHT IM THERE TO UPDATE ON ORACLE---------------------------------
              I used to be 62% winrate, but then I lost some games. The games I lost, I generally didn't follow this certain build.

              Starting items:

              * Courier
              * Tango
              * Clarity x2 (may go with one)
              * If you're not buying wards, you can either buy a smoke or a teleport scroll.

              Core items:

              Powertreads, Wand, Talisman X2 OR Talisman + Bracer. Can also skip this, and buy an urns. I've had more succes with the stat build.

              I'll not talk about why this is good. It may however be self-explainatory. (I'll talk about if in a video if people wants a video. That can go more in-depth.)

              Oracle is extremely good at counterganking because of his skillset, so if you reach lvl 3 early in lane with lvl 2 Purifying flames (E, Third spell)

              Oracle is an okay roamer, it depends on enemy heroes. He's very good against mids that relies more or less only on rightclicks to lasthit (Templar Assassin, Bloodseeker, etc) because whenever a creep get low you can just your your Fate's Edict (W, Second spell).

              His Fortunes End (Q, First spell) is very good for killing enemy safelane when they are out of position in a pushed lane. However, you can't really get there unseen unless you smoke. If you don't get the kill, you really miss some timings.

              The thing with Oracle is his fantastic ultimate for counterganking/counter an initation.


              Here's an ideal situation:

              You're mid babysitting your Lina (Save her with your ult if she gets ganked), with a Teleport scroll in your inventory. Suddenly you see heroes on Bottom part of map, whereas your Slark is quietly farming, and enemy team has Silence to fuck him up. You teleport as soon as possible.

              Enemy used a lot of spells, including a Shadow Shaman hex and a Lion ult at the same time, which you purged (the hex) and dodged (the Lion ultimate) with the invis from Oracles Ulti. Slark starts regening from shadowdance since he's unseen, and enemies does not have detection meaning Slark will be at 100% HP when he comes out, and enemy Lion and Shadow Shaman is food.

              Your Lina from mid has been able to rotate to come behind their T1, and you finish of their entire team.


              When you get really confident in playing Oracle you can controll fights by yourself. Be aware though, if you play a lot and get tired, you can mess up and play poorly/lower reaction, which might mean you won't teleport to save the pisky dummy.

              When you play Oracle, you need to predict where enemies are going on to gank, so you can be there a second before them. ~One Step Ahead.
              Keypoint of Oracle:

              Zone out shitty solo offlaners with W (Second spell). Trade hits, if they try to trade, you can just bang them ith W and they will be sub 50% hp.

              Fuck up enemy mids that relies heavily on rightclicks to lasthit, even heroes that doesn't need right-clicks will get fucked up cause they dont intend to use spells to get w/e lasthit. Just be annoying and put that Fate's edict on them.

              And counterganking. Carry TP, press R.

              I could've said a lot more, ex. how to use your spells properly, etc, but I'll not go into that.

              If a lot of people wants, I would actually love to make a video on how to play Oracle, and how deep you can go. The hero really puts a lot of individual skill into play as you can solokill anyone, even et early levels. (Need to bait them, and you'll usually end up at very low health.)

              WOOOOW THIS gone Loooong

              TL;DR: ORacle is reaaaal fun and decent hero

              plz do

                i would love to see a video guide on oracle from u, man. I love oracle's skillset and it seems like its the right hero for me. I would like to go more indepth w oracle. Also Oracle is an ez pubstomper, because most playas dont know his skillset so well. (at least up to 4,3k solo mmr)


                  Make video pls! Am trying to learn oracle :)
                  Nice guide too

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                    Also, what do you think about tranquils soul ring?