General Discussion

General Discussionmatch not be scored mechanic is broken

match not be scored mechanic is broken in General Discussion

    had 8 kills before he abandond

    endscreen says: game will not be scored, because a player abandond before firstblood.

    okay valve, just go f**k yourself with your horrible matchmaking

    [contains offensive language or a banned term]

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      ezy 00 mmr

      Greygrey the Sailor

        what happened is he left at 1:43 and stopped moving, which was before first blood, so when he completely abandoned it counted him as a leaver at 1:43. Therefore, he was inactive before first blood.

        :P Oh btw how did you guys go 8-0 in only 5 minutes?


          we got double kill before the rune spawned. and he didnt really left. he just afked in picking screen and didnt enter the match.

          we had troll + io. i bought boots first and we just rightclicked 2 people dead. then against sf silencer lane and seeker jungle its was easy going.