General Discussion



    This is unbearable. All the games i lost in last 2-3 days, i had useless dual stack who didnt give a fuck for mmr, ruining my game. I dont get it, if its SOLO matchmaking, then its 5 random players vs 5 random players and not m*ngoloids with overboosted party mmr.

    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

      Agree with this. It's pretty obvious that people in stacks don't give a fuck about winning the game (I mean they even tell you) and in addition to that people in stacks also feel more encouraged to flame and do shit.


        If you remove 2 stacks wouldnt it remove 3 stacks? So solo ranked or 5 stacks ranked only?


          +1 Also add voice software that makes you speak in mic in the language you are searching in Kappa


            I understand how annoying this can be and it does ruin your game if your trying to improve and 40% of your team couldn't care about what happens.

            But... if we start removing stacks from solo matchmaking the wait time to find a game for groups will increase due to it becoming slightly more complex, i.e. having to group 2 stacks with 3 stacks... This should start ringing alarm bells about the number of people in a stack that can play in group/team matchmaking. Ultimately only stacks of 5,3 and 2 could play in team MM as a group of 4 would never find a game because they would be forced to group with a solo, but you might think a group of 4 would be more inclined to play properly and avoid the OP problem but its just as likely as 2 stack to not give a shit.

            Unfortunately it can't be avoided and once you realise you might lose the game go back to focusing on what your trying to improve. That is just my opinion and I'm a sub par player.


              I'm talking about ranked matchmaking, idc if i get stacks in normal mm. Solo ranked should be f*ckin solo ranked, where people actually care to win and do their best, not screwing around like most party mmr people do.

              What would be different, tell me pls? Normal matchmaking stays the same, also party ranked (2+3 stacks or 5 stacks). Only difference is in solo ranked (no disgusting 2 stacks). I dont see any problems here, only more enjoyable and easier solo ranked games.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Agreed. If duo stacking is to stay in solo MMR queue, then at least make them use the duo players' solo MMR instead of party MMR.


                  i think that we have won as much mmr playing against idiot 2stacks as we have lost playing with idiot 2stacks so it all balances out buddy


                    I like Molest's idea, make 2-stacks use their solo MMR's for more ideal matches if they end up in a solo queue match. And leave 3+ stacks to party only.


                      That would be second best thing i guess, although i'd like to remove stacks from solo ranked completelly cause people play and act differently when they have a friend or a person they know in their team and they tend to cooperate less cause of it.


                        rly cute thread

                        U wot m8?

                          agree, solo ranked should be fucking solo ranked


                            il add it on enxt patch


                              "I like Molest's idea, make 2-stacks use their solo MMR's for more ideal matches if they end up in a solo queue match. And leave 3+ stacks to party only."

                              This is how you boost in CSGO.
                              Also are you sure you want 7k mmr players partying up to get 8k mmr. Everyone knows how most 6k at the time got their rating due to abusing solo q and different lang settings, like Vrok and Chris or KingRaven or other streamers etc etc.

                              For everyones' sanity sake, let's keep solo rating and party rating separate unless you want an influx of boosters from 2-5k range. And then abusers at 6k+ range as 5-6k is hard to climb due to 5k mmrs are pitted against each other whilst 6k goes against 4k mmrs.


                                It's not like you can boost yourself from 6k with Meepo Kappa but my point still stands.


                                  AGAIN. Only loss in fuckin last day, disgusting overboosted party, both players utter garbage, while really good stack on the other side. BAN fuckin duo stacks from Solo ranked and i donate 10 rares to Volvo god.


                                    i hate stacks . They dont care about PARTY mmr but they ruin other people SOLO mmr... had some 5k+++ kotl stack with3k pudge in avg. 4.9k mmr ranked game today; they both laned together, kept feeding and fucking around...

                                    i really wish SOLO ranked to be 5x solo people; not party+solo matchmaking matched together...


                                      +1 with op, happend to me most of the time, when i have complete retards in team with overrated mmr it's a stack, 2-3-4 or 5 .

                                        Tento komentář byl smazán

                                          The only kind of stacks allowed in ranked should be stacks of 5.

                                          Harry hamburgerryg

                                            Totally agree, fucking remove stacks from solo que. The balance within putting stacks into solo q is fukcing awful. I lose every fucking game i have a stack in my team, even when they have fucking 4,5k mmr which is 600mmr higher than me, but they play like a 3k player or even worse. And yes what can't spell said, atleast use their solo mmr then. Yesterday i had a game with a stack, 4,5k mmr player with his 3,5k mmr friend, both total fucktards, i went to check their dotabuff profiles the guy that had 4,5k was playing in high skill in solo q, his friend he was stacking with was a fucking normal skill player in solo q.... Fix this fucking shit, even a person with drowns would be able to see that this is fucking retarded.