General Discussion

General DiscussionNew balance patch soon?

New balance patch soon? in General Discussion

    Do you think there will be any before next TI in august? I mean ive seen pretty much all of it at DAC and its getting rather boring.

    Mid: SS, sf, sniper
    safe carry: jugg, medusa, troll
    support: lion, VS
    Off: batrider
    initiator: axe

    ^ I main alot of these heroes but its rare to see a game without half of these heroes listed above.

    Its because the meta seems so tight right now, Id like to see more variation.

    Is it just me?


      No its not just you. i want to see other picks into games too..



        yea this patch is stale as fuck


          I wasnt complaning when void and slark were OP because there where more diversity. Aswell as tinker farming ancient patch, but this one is all about 7-8 heroes, rest is optional pick depending on the situation.


            It's funny because Batrider is one of the least played heroes outside of the pro scene.

            Miku Plays

              still waiting for legion to become top pick

              Greygrey the Sailor

                We need to have a meta that nerfs the currently op heroes and buffs the underplayed ones (IO, shadow demon, beastmaster) but not so huge that the professional teams can have ez wins with them



                  I agree with you entirely, maybe because this hero seems like a hit or miss hero/one trick wonder. People in pubs dont seem to like that. If he misses his blink>lasso>force hes pretty much dead or if he survives, hes rather useless. He must be executed perfectly imo.

                  Hes also borderline OP in the right hands, thank god hes not popular in pubs.


                    ^^ I just got shrecked by an IO don't buff that ball of light, he makes teams helpless if he is played by someone who knows what they are doing.

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                      ^ Disruptor bruh :P


                      EDIT: Yea well this game isnt a good exemple since they were fucking trash. Still i loved to glimpse IO/SS/NP back everytime they tried to gank at the laning phase xD

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                        umm yah that wasn't an option, we couldent even TP (or hook or time walk) in to help cuz every time disrupter would pop up out of the wood work and throw his horrible ball of light at us.


                        just realized your solaire

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                            It is stale, that's for sure. I'm pretty sure Icefrog will rework a couple of spells and buff/nerf different heroes to change things up.
                            Icefrog is known for drastically changing the meta before TI to assure the top teams still can adapt and play instead of winning tourneys pre-winter season on metas that have been figured out.

                            i.e Deathball
                            Random Pocket strats coming up after balance patch
                            And maximum rat Kappa.